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ThiconZ edited this page Nov 26, 2021 · 1 revision

The preview.ini allows for permanently setting certain options specific to "preview" builds. This is not a replacement for firefall.ini.

Below you'll find an INI file with to our knowledge all the possible options. The file is located in the root directory of your Firefall installation. If you use Steam that would be Steam\SteamApps\common\Firefall\preview.ini.

Be aware: Setting certain paths can delete unwanted file at deinstallation of Firefall!

; NOTE: keep in sync with preview.ini for servers!

; map build environments to tools environments
;Tools = "specific_environment"
Tools-default = "$BUILDENV" ; used as a fallback

; environments where build mnemonic != tools path
Tools-prognew = "main"
Tools-design = "main"
Tools-china_stabilization = "stabilization"
Tools-china_prod = "prod"
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