With a taste of apollo-stack and firebase and react and and and
- create firebase account
- create service account
- create keystone_withenv.js in the root folder with following content
process.env.DB_URL = '<firebase db url>';
process.env.C_EMAIL = '<service account email>';
process.env.KEY = '<long long key>';
process.env.P_ID = '<firebase project id>';
- create an mongodb here: https://www.mlab.com/
- create all those ENV vars below in the Heroku CLI or under https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps//settings
C_EMAIL='<service account email>'
DB_URL='<firebase db url>'
KEY='<long long key>'
P_ID='<firebase project id>'
MONGO_URI='<full mongdb path with credentials>'
- check client/ folder
- check package.json for available commands