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theripper93 edited this page May 16, 2022 · 4 revisions

Creating a light

To create a light, simply go to the light layer and drag to create a light, all the standard foundry interactions are the same.

Particle Effects

You can enable Particle Effect emission on Lights in the 3D Tab, if you want more information on what every option does, check the Particle Effects wiki page!


3D Lights will not be blocked by walls or cast shadows, this is due to a WebGL limitation and it's also incredibly expensive on performance. If you wish, you can enable Shadow Casting\Wall Blocking in the 3D Tab for specific ligihts, but it's higly suggest to not go over 2\3 Lights per scene with this option enabled. Enabling this option on a large number of lights will crash the scene. In the event that this happen and you are not able to access the 3D or 2D Scene, Disable 3D Canvas (or launch your world in safe mode), and delete the shadow casting lights.