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Scene Configuration

theripper93 edited this page May 16, 2022 · 3 revisions

The scene configuration provides basic and advanced settings that you can tweak to make your scene look the way you want.


Enable for Players

Allow players to open the 3D View by clicking the 3D Mode button.

Enable 3D on Load

When the scene is loaded, automatically enter 3D Mode

Enable Grid

Show the grid in the 3D Scene

Enable Ruler

Show the ruler when dragging and placing objects

Initial view position

Set the default camera position when the scene loads, to properly set the target for the view, use the Ping option (Shift + Q) to set the camera before saving the initial view position.

Lock Camera Perspective

If you wish to force a certain perspective on this scene, you can lock it. The camera will no longer rotate, the angle for the Lock is the one of the initial view position.


Skybox Image

Set the skybox (or 3d background) for this scene. The file needs to be in the same folder of 6 total files, files must contain _ft, _bk, _up, _dn, _rt, _lf in their name.


If no skybox is selected, the HDRI will be used as the background. if both skybox and HDRI are selected, the skybox will be used as the background and the HDRI for lighting and reflections. Having and HDRI is highly suggested for Metallic and Reflective surfaces to look correct.

Display Table

Show a 3D "Table", the table will be the size of the padding, you can use a custom texture for the table, Wooden textures from Forgotten Adventures are suggested.

Table Texture

Set the texture for the table (se above)

Display Background

Display the background image for the scene as a flat surface

Enable Fog/Fog Color/Fog Distance

Not to be confused with Fog of War, The fog will create a "Foggy Effect" on distant objects, you can set the color and the distance at which the fog appears.


Scene Tint

The color of the lighting for the scene, you can use a dark blue if your scene is at night or leave it as the default day color

Automatic Sun Position

Set the sun position in a day\night cycle fashon automatically. It can be set through the world time or the scene darkness level.

Sun Position

The position of the sun in the sky where, 0 is dawn and 180 is dusk

Sun Intensity

How bright the sun is

Shadow Bias

Number that determines how shadows are rendered, if you notice black stripes on entities in the scene, you can adjust this number. Correct values for this number tend to be very small, it's suggested to make increments or decrements of 0.00001 or less.


Particle Preset

Set the weather or effect for the scene, you can have up of 2 effects at the same time and one of them can be custom (Particle Preset 2 has the custom option)


Render Walls

Whether or not to display the 2d Canvas Walls in the 3D Mode

Render Doors

Whether or not to display walls marked as Doors

Render Tiles

Whether or not to display Tiles

Render Scene Lights

Whether or not to display Lights

Mirror Levels Tile Visibility

If enabled 3D Canvas will mirror the Levels tiles visibility, this option is required if you want to make a multilevel 3D Map where floors above tokens disappear automatically for easier navigation.

Use 3D Geometry for sight calculations

Instead of mirroring the 2D Canvas token visibility, use the 3D Geometry of the scene. This means that if you simply load a 3D Model into the scene, it's geometry will be used to block token visibility, meaning you do not need to wall the scene and it will "just work". This setting also applies to Volumetric Templates Autotargeting and 3D Cover Calculations.