A decentralized game on a smart contract.
Ethereum Blockchain SinglePlayer Game developed in Solidity
IDE: Remix - Ethereum IDE
GAME MODE: Player vs CPU
The player must be able to choose between EVEN or ODD
The player must be able to choose numbers from 0 to 2
After successfully making a move, the player should be able to view information such as: "Winner", "Choice Made", "Number played by the player", "Number played by the CPU"
Must use the minimum Solidity compilation version ^0.8.12
Should use Solidity's native concat function to manipulate strings
Should use the library @openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol for string conversion
Should use the global 'block' variable to access block information
Should use abi.encodePacked for encoding
Should use Solidity's keccak256 hashing system
The game must start with no choice made
The player can only play a number if they have chosen EVEN or ODD beforehand
The player can only choose between EVEN or ODD, and the message "Choose EVEN or ODD" should be displayed if neither option is chosen
The player can only play numbers 0, 1, or 2, and the message "Play 0, 1, or 2" should be displayed if none of these options is chosen
The CPU's move should be generated with a random value, using the block.timestamp and the player's choice
Open the Remix IDE at the link: https://remix.ethereum.org/
Create a new file inside the 'contracts/' folder with the name 'EvenOrOdd.sol'
Copy the contents of the 'EvenOrOdd.sol' file from this project and paste it into the 'EvenOrOdd.sol' file you just created in Remix
Compile using the 'Solidity Compiler' option
Deploy using the 'Deploy & run transactions' option
Expand the deploy options, make your move, and good luck!!!
Project for applying concepts covered in Luiz Tools' Web23 course."