Blog post on TowardsDataScience: Churn prediction with PySpark
This repository contains a notebook which provides a practical machine learning implementation to predict churn using a fictional digital music streaming service called Sparkify.
We are using Spark since the dataset is 12GB and we need the power of distributed machine learning technologies to help us with the heavy lifting.
We find that using GradientBoostingTree Classifier gives us the ability to predict churn with almost 100% accuracy.
We have several of our customers leaving. Oh no! Let's try to find a way to predict them leaving before it happens. We will try to use machine learning classification algorithms and the data available to us to get to a solution.
The 12GB dataset contains several potentially interesting fields derived from website interaction logs.
In our case, Churn is defined as page == "Cancellation Confirmation".
We use a variety of metrics to predict churn:
- daily usage
- 7d average usage
- 30d average usage
- averages compared to eachother
I used a AWS EMR Cluster of Spark 2.4.6 with Network and Hardware of m5.xlarge with ability to expand to 7 task cores.
In your Jupyter Notebook, You need to set up a SparkSession and have access to s3n://udacity-dsnd/sparkify/sparkify_event_data.json. See code below:
# Starter code
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Create spark session
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("Sparkify") \
# Read in full sparkify dataset
event_data = "s3n://udacity-dsnd/sparkify/sparkify_event_data.json"
df =
Additionally, I had to run my jupyter notebook with nbconvert. The notebook takes too long to complete to just sit and watch the progress bar.
$ pip install nbconvert
$ jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=-1 mynotebook.ipynb