Pack-It-Back is designed to simulate randomly assorted booster packs for any collectible card game. It reads from an XML file, and loads the game information into the program.
Generally, as of v1.0, Pack-It-Back is released with two main files that have to be located in the same directory. The runnable jar file: packitback.jar, and the XML file holding game information: PackItBack.xml.
Java Terminal Arguments:
Pack-It-Back is setup to take one argument from the terminal:
java -jar packitback.jar (Filepath to XML)
This will allow a user to store the XML in a separate directory from the jar.
XML Layout:
The XML for Pack-It-Back has a specific layout it uses.
- Root Element Required: Yes Limited to One: Yes Parent: None Children:
The root element for Pack-It-Back. Everything goes inbetween these two tags.
Everything between these tags represents a game.
Put the name of the game between these two tags. For example: <Name>Super Fun CCG</Name>.
Everything between these tags represents a set for the <Game>.
Put the name of the set between these two tags.
This element represents a way a booster pack can be laid out. How many Rares, Uncommons, Commons, etc.
This number is used to determine the odds of pulling that build of pack out of a box. For example, if a box has a 1 in 6 chance of pulling a booster pack with a Super Rare, instead of a Rare, there will be two builds. One listed with a Rare with a weight of 5. Another listed with a Super Rare with a weight of 1. Those weights mean for every 6 packs, 1 will have a Super Rare and 5 will have a Rare.
This element represents a Level, Rarity, or Type of card. For example, if the game's booster packs are sorted by Rarity, then there will be a level for each rarity level.
This Name has to match exactly to the Level's listed in the <Card> tags.
This is how many of this particular Level appears in a booster pack. If there are 10 Commons, this number would be 10 for Common.
Everything in the <Card> tags represents an individual card in the game's set.
The name of the card how it will be displayed in Pack-It-Back.
The levels that the card can fall under. The reason it is possible for a single card to have more than one level, is because in come games, the same card can come in two forms, Normal and Reverse-Holo. The text between these tags must match a <Name> in a <Level> in a <Build> of this card's set.