openstack-lb-info - A command-line tool for displaying OpenStack Load Balancer resource details.
This Python script is designed to interact with an OpenStack cloud infrastructure and retrieve information about load balancers and their components such as listeners, pools, health monitors, members, and amphorae. It displays the information in a visually appealing and user-friendly way and provide a clear representation of the load balancer resources.
Below are the key features and components:
- Query and display information about OpenStack load balancers.
- Display detailed attributes and information about listeners, pools, health monitors, members, and amphorae.
- Filter results based on various criteria, such as load balancer name, ID, tags, availability zone, VIP network, and VIP subnet.
- Present information in a structured and colorful format using the Rich library.
- Support output in different formats, including Rich text, plain text, and JSON.
The program provides two main modes for displaying information:
Load Balancer Information: When the resource type is specified as "lb", it retrieves and displays details about OpenStack load balancers. The displayed information includes load balancer IDs, VIP addresses, provisioning status, operating status, and other optional details. If no load balancers match the filter criteria, it will indicate that no load balancers were found.
Amphora Information: When the resource type is specified as "amphora", it retrieves and displays information about amphoras associated with load balancers. Amphoras are responsible for handling load balancing operations. The displayed information includes amphora IDs, roles, status, load balancer network IP addresses, associated images, server information, and optional details. If no amphoras match the filter criteria, it will indicate that no amphoras were found.
$ usage: openstack-lb-info [-h] [-o {plain,rich,json}] -t {lb,amphora} [--name NAME] [--id ID]
[--tags TAGS] [--flavor-id FLAVOR_ID] [--vip-address VIP_ADDRESS]
[--availability-zone AVAILABILITY_ZONE] [--vip-network-id VIP_NETWORK_ID]
[--vip-subnet-id VIP_SUBNET_ID] [--details]
A script to show OpenStack load balancers information.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o {plain,rich,json}, --output-format {plain,rich,json}
Output format: 'plain', 'rich' or 'json'
-t {lb,amphora}, --type {lb,amphora}
Show information about load balancers or amphoras
--name NAME Filter load balancers name
--id ID Filter load balancers id
--tags TAGS Filter load balancers tags
--flavor-id FLAVOR_ID
Filter load balancers flavor id
--vip-address VIP_ADDRESS
Filter load balancers VIP address
--availability-zone AVAILABILITY_ZONE
Filter load balancers AZ
--vip-network-id VIP_NETWORK_ID
Filter load balancers network id
--vip-subnet-id VIP_SUBNET_ID
Filter load balancers subnet id
--details Show all load balancers/amphora details
Example of use:
openstack-lb-info --type lb --name my_lb
openstack-lb-info --type lb --id load_balancer_id
openstack-lb-info --type amphora --id load_balancer_id
openstack-lb-info --type amphora --id load_balancer_id --details
You can manually set the required environment variables or use an OpenStack RC file to simplify the process.
Alternatively, you can use a clouds.yaml and export "OS_CLOUD" variable to pass the cloud name.
For more information:
Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
$ pip install -e .
$ pipx install -e .
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.