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Branch managers

Work Environment

Save these domains in hosts for test.

Update local Xapi Server with latest information from server

  • Update database like below. Note: 7-13 means, 7th day of week and 13 hour of the day in UTC+0. You may look into the backup files 'date' to get the latest data. And be careful you do it only your working computer. Not on server.
scp .
gunzip 7-13.sql.gz
# if you want, you can make back up here.
mysql -uroot -p7777 -e "drop database ontue"
mysql -uroot -p7777 -e "create database ontue"              ; you can make a new database on local server.
mysql -uroot -p7777 ontue < 1-01.sql                        ; you can make a new database on local server.

# Change siteurl and home to

; ==>

cd ~/wordpress/wp-content/uploads                           ; all the file download
$ scp -r* .       ; but you may not need this.


Ionic installation on local computer


rm -rf node_modules
rm package-lock.json
npm i


  • Run test npm run e2e:remote:headless immediately after publishing to production site.
npm run e2e                         ; cypress open base url is localhost:4200
npm run e2e:headless                ; cypress run headless with all domain. (*) This is preferred to run all the tests.
npm run e2e:remote                  ; cypress open with real server urls.
npm run e2e:remote:headless         ; cypress run headless with real server urls. (*) This is preferred to run.

Run & Serve

Mr. Song have installed, server and publish on new iMac without any problem.

  • Install angular
  • Install ionic
  • Important Note, that it runs on node version 8.x.x
  • If SSL not works, copy from ~/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xapi-2/ssl/wild-katalkenglish/ folder where latest SSL resides.
  • $ n ; change node version to 8.x.x

  • $ npm run ssl:live ; serve locally with remote database

  • then, access to for student site.

  • then, access to for teacher site.

  • For withcenter site, access to

Running Angular Client Site

Working with SSL and Branch coding

  • Put in hosts file in your working computer. This will work as domain. The app will opoen withcenter theme if the domain contains withcenter.

  • set domains of,, in hosts file for test as branch subdomain.

  • To create and access branch site and branch manager page, Create a branch with abc or def.

  • It is okay to test the app without SSL. But push-notification may not work. To enable SSL please follow below.

    • Set sslPort from 4200 to 9443 in environment.local-backend-server.ts The default is 4200 which is the default port of Angular.
    • and run npm run ssl
    • Access to access withcenter site.
  • Try to run with SSL always.

Working SEO


Publish to TEST site

  • To test on GitHub Pages,
ng build --prod --output-path docs --base-href=/site/
git add --all
git commit -m 'release for testing on GitHub Pages'
git push

then, access to

Publish to Production Site

  • To publish production site
  • Update reloadTag in
  • Then run below.
% n ; change node version to v8.9.0
% npm run publish
% npm run publish:all

Deleting Javascript files on remote server

  • Warning: If you do this, all Javascript files including currently working Javascript files will be deleted. Meaning, if you do this, the site will be down. So, you need to quickly re-publish the site again.
npm run delete-remote-js


No Multiple Apps Intergration

We may use Angular's Multiple Apps Intergratin support since we have three different website.

But we simply decide to differenciate the theme based on domain. It's much simpler when it comes to management.

When source code is changed, we need only one time compilation and publishment. You don't have to manage all the three apps in one project.

Folder structure


sites folder

There are 3 different domains(themes) under src/app/sites folder for each part of business role.

  1. ontue for teacher for teacher site.
  2. withcenter for franchise site.
  3. katalkenglish for student site.

Each site folder has its own components folder for header and footer and other components design.

  • src/app/sites/{site-name}/components

And all of site has {site}-home folder to display its front page.

  • src/app/sites/{site-name}/{site-name-page-name}. Note that pages path is missed under theme folder.

Pages in site folder

Since each domain has different contents, they should have its own pages.

For instance, student site ) and ( teacher site ) has completely diffent content on help page, so, each of them should have a different home page folder.

Shared Pages

  • Register page and Profile update page have some common for each site. If you want to create a page that is shared by other sites, then the page must be saved under src/app/pages folder.

Shared Components

  • Share components must be saved under src/app/components


  • All shared components should be saved in src/app/components.


  • All shared interfaces should be saved in src/app/interfaces.

Modules. 3rd party modules

  • All shared modules, especially 3rd party modules, should be saved in src/app/modules.


  • All providers that is depending on the app should be svaed in src/app/providers.

AppService as shared provider

  • AppService is the only service you need to inject on all other components, pipes.
    • AppService holds all other services like
      • is the FireLibrary service
      • AppService.user is the XapiUserService
      • and so on.

Developer's Guide Line

  • Use Angular Material.
    • Do not use Ionic Component.

Route and Lazy Loading

  • Avaoid putting routes for submodule. Collect all the route on app-routing.module.ts for simplicity.

    • Though admin page module uses routes.
  • All page must be lazy loaded. This means all page folder must be a module and registered as a route. Except header & footer templates which is needed to render layout. @see #Layout

Layout for each site

  • Each site has its own header, footer and possibly side menus and more.

  • Layout is designed in app.component.html for each site. It imports each site's header, footer components. This means, each site's header & footer is not dynamically loaded. These are loaded on app booting.

  • Each site's header, footer components must be saved under that site's components folder as a module and will be imported by app module and used in app.component.html to display the layout.

  • You can have more than one(1) layout for a site IF you are going to edit app.component.html.

    • Layout of for desktop.
    • Layout of for mobile.

Layout for header, page, footer

  • Basic structure of each page must be the following.
    <h1>Page Title</h1>
    <p>Page description</p>
  <section class="content">... page content ...</section>
  • In app.component.html, there is outter html layouts.
<div class="layout" [attr.path]=" a.routeUrl ">
  <section id="katalkenglish" *ngIf=" ">
    <section class="page">
      <div class="page-inner">
          <!-- here goes the page layout -->

Naming Convention

Module Names

  • Page module file name must end with .page.module.ts and the name of the Module class must end with PageModule.
  • And it is same to Component naming.


  • All pages must be under pages folder.
  • All components must be under componenets folder.


Domain Navigation

  • The App Component choose which site to navigate with the domain user accesses/visits.
    • For instance, domain will open the page src/app/sites/ontue/ontue-home/
    • This navigation is done by the combination of app-routing.modules.ts and app.component.ts.

Boostrap CSS Version 4.0 Support

Font Awesome

Since fontawesome takes a lot of spaces, you will only copy the SVG XML code into each templates.

  • Since we are using lazy loading, putting SVG XML code in template may be a good choice even if it does not reuse the icon.


  • It will get domain of the site and save it on user field.
  • Security does not matter on Firebase since Firebaes only holds not important data. The point is secured on PHP backend.


  • Security does not matter on Firebase. Read ##Registration.

Langage Translate

  • It uses FireLibrary Language Transation for multi-language support. It has language.service.ts for encapsulating FireLibrary.

  • When you are refering, fire.ln.[CODE], do not encapsulate it in any method to make it easy or shortter, since when template changes, it may call the encapsulation all the time.

  • How to use pipe. See FireLibrary Language Translation

{{ fire.translate('KEY', {info: 'extra'}) }}
<!-- This calls a method -->
{{ fire.t('KEY', {info: 'extra'}) }}
<!-- Alias of translate() -->
{{ fire.ln.HOME }}
<!-- This access a variable. NOT method call. Prefered for speed. -->
{{ 'HOME' | t }}
<!-- PIPE -->
<!-- complicated expressions -->
{{ post.created ? ('QNA_FORM_EDIT_TITLE' | t) : ('QNA_FORM_CREATE_TITLE' | t) }}
{{ 'AGE_GENDER' | t:{ age: re.teacher.age | number , gender: re.teacher.gender |
t } }}

Admin Page Module

  • Since admin pages is only for admins, it does not lazy load. it loads all the subpages at once.

New Admin Page Module (updated on 2018-06-16)

  • is a global scss file. We need it to be globally applied to the app/site. For instance, we can redeclare the font size of body if it applies globally.

Dialog Loader - Angular Material Dialog

Use loader service for showing a loader in dialog window when you need to show a loader.

constructor( public loader: LoaderService ) {
  loader.openLoader({title: 'Registering', content: 'Please wait while registering...'});
  setTimeout(() => loader.closeLoader(), 5000);

Alert, Confirm - Angular Material Dialog

Use modal service to do 'alert' or 'confirm'.

You should not inject it on App Service and make it as a member variable since App Service is loaded by default. If you load modal on boot, there is no benefit of Lazy loading.

So, just inject and use it any where you want it.

modal.alert({ title: "hi", content: "oo" });
  • How to use confirm dialog
const data: ModalData = {
  content: "Yes or no?"
this.modal.confirm(data).subscribe((result) => {
  // console.log('User clicked on: ', re);


  • Teacher list is cached and show when the user access. and it caches again in background. Meaning, the user will always see the latest updated list since it caches every time the user access teacher list page.

Reload version tag

  • It is stated in environemnt ts files like below. It should work on development only.
env["reloadTag"] = new Date().getTime();


  • See Run section to run and test on branch functionality.


  • When user views on desktop, then, desktop probably '15 days' of schedule table has cached.

    • Then, the even the user changes 'days' or even changes to mobile view, he will still see '15 days' and even he refreshes, he will still see '15 days' until the cache expires. This is okay. Not a big problem. This won't happen to all users. Only to those of developers.
  • First list of schedule table is being cached.

    • And this leads a bug when the user access schedule table with 'mobile view' at first And it cached. And changes to 'desktop view' later and visit the schedule table again, Then, the user will see 'mobile view' of 'schedule table' since it is cached. This is a very rare case. and we just ignore this. If the user visits another teacher's schedule table, it may look okay as in 'desktop view'.
  • Adding Kakaotalk friend on teacher's schedule table

    • Not working on PC
    • Not working with Chrome on iPhone
    • Working on Android Web
    • Working on Android App

Known Problems

  • For student registration page, 'Finding Kakaotalk ID' image is not translated and will not be translated.

  • When student cancels commenting on class review, the user is redirected to teacher schedule table even if the stdent was acessing revew page from review list page. It is fairly okay.


  • logo icon svg is on tmp folder.

Cordova Serve & build

@see Document

ionic cordova run android -l ; serve

ionic cordova build android --prod --release ; build for release apk. It takes more a minute without printing any log on Mr. Song macbook.

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ontue.keystore  platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk ontue ; signing signature

rm tmp/katalkenglish.apk && zipalign -v 4 platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk tmp/katalkenglish.apk && adb uninstall com.ontue.www && adb install tmp/katalkenglish.apk; Generating final realease apk

Window Release

ionic cordova run android -l

ionic cordova build android --prod --release

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ontue.keystore  platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-release-unsigned.apk ontue

rm tmp/katalkenglish.apk && zipalign -v 4 platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-release-unsigned.apk tmp/katalkenglish.apk && adb uninstall com.ontue.www && adb install tmp/katalkenglish.apk


Withcenter Site






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