Lite-touch installation:
AutoPai installer for Debian-based distros that use the apt package manager.
The project's scripts contain the steps I perform to install and configure a fully-functional raspberrypi to log data and push it up to my company's analytics tool - codenamed fulcrum
Copy the latest version of the modem software v1.8 or v1.9 with all of the config.json files prepopulated with all of the required parameters e.g. UUID's read/sync thresholds etc...
Copy the service files into the same directory.
Copy the log4j file and create a folder in the app directory called logs (/home/<username>/app/logs/).
Create a device in IoT core and wait until the end of the script to paste the x509-wrapped TLS certificate.
git clone ;\
cd AutoPai ;\
chmod +x *.sh ;\
time sudo bash > ./stout-serial.log 2>&1
cd /home/pi/AutoPai/ ;
tail -f stout-serial.logs
screen -t setup-script ;\
git clone ;\
cd AutoPai;\
touch stout-setup.log ;\
time sudo bash >> stout-setup.log 2>&1
to detach the screen
tail -f ./stout-setup.log
The Install + compilation of the python-wheels should take around 30mins depending on how much memory you have and whether you've overclocked or not.
real 50m29.391s
user 78m24.459s
sys 7m15.955s
Once it ends, you can continue adding the certificate into IoT core and ensuring data is pushing into bigQuery
You can get €20 credits and a VPS from just €2.86/month (€0.005/hour) at Hetzner. OR You can get $100 credits and a VPS (Droplet) from just $5/month ($0.007/hour) at DigitalOcean.
If you want to show your appreciation, you can donate via PayPal . Thanks!