Detect motion and cat faces with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV & AWS Lambda
Contains Raspberry Pi agent for uploading motion detected frames to S3 which triggers a Python lambda function for doing further cat Haar Cascade facial processing.
Makes optional use of Datadog for statsd metrics & Raspberry Pi Sense Hat.
Configuration can be set on the command line or via environment variables. Usage of S3 requires AWS client ID & secrets to be configured.
usage: [-h] [--resolution RESOLUTION] [--fps FPS]
[--delta-threshold DELTA_THRESHOLD] [--min-area MIN_AREA]
[--enable-sensehat] [--enable-statsd] [--enable-annotate]
[--image-path IMAGE_PATH] [--enable-s3]
[--s3-bucket S3_BUCKET] [--s3-prefix S3_PREFIX]
Motion detect and upload frames to S3
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--resolution RESOLUTION
e.g 640x480
--fps FPS Framerate e.g: 18
--delta-threshold DELTA_THRESHOLD
--min-area MIN_AREA
--enable-sensehat Use Sense Hat display
--enable-statsd Send metrics
--enable-annotate Draw detected regions to image
--image-path IMAGE_PATH
Where to save images locally eg /tmp
--enable-s3 Enable saving frames to AWS S3
--s3-bucket S3_BUCKET
AWS S3 bucket to save frames
--s3-prefix S3_PREFIX
AWS S3 bucket prefix path e.g cats/
OpenCV on Raspberry Pi
apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv python-dev
pip dependencies for AWS & Datadog
pip install boto3 dogstatsd
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name catscanface --template-body file://cloudformation.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=S3BucketName,ParameterValue=timatooth
This will download OpenCV compiled on Amazon Linux and update the AWS Lambda function code.