A backup/preview utility for blipfoto.com
Sometimes, just sometimes, you might want to backup your blips: this does a very basic job. It will:
- create a new directory with your username
- starting from the most recent entry, work backwards until no previous entry is found
- for each entry save:
- content.json (the page content including comments, ratings and metadata)
- image.jpg (the standard resolution image)
There are some limitations:
- I didn't figure out how to get the high-res image
- it will sleep for 2s between fetching each entry to avoid spamming blipfoto's servers
To run you'll need python3 (2 should probably work too) and http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/
To run you'll need to get your own API credentials. To do this:
- go here
- click "Apps"
- click "Create a new app"
- fill in name, select type = distributed application, redirect URI (this can be anything e.g. myapp://blipfoto) and check the box agreeing to the rules
- submit
You should now have a registered app and a page telling you your access token and base API endpoint. Take these and put them in the script (look for the variables with a "fill me in" comment).
Okay, now it's ready to go!
- python3 previewer.py
(for me: username is tpd)
You can optionally specify as the third argument the starting entry id; this is usually a number e.g. 2642461 (an old one; longer for new entries).
I've only tested this on Linux; if anyone would like to test and fix on OS X or windows please do.