"Time is Money" is a one-button productivity app to track time spent doing various tasks. The front-end is handled by Cordova which sends and retrieves data from our backend component which is a RESTful API built via JPA and Hibernate(Spring JPA and H2 dependencies). The intention of the app is to fascilitate time tracking events ranging from client interactions to time spent at the grocery store. The hope is that people will be able to easily collect data on themselves so that they can have a better idea of how they are spending their time.
Download the app from the app store and select a spreadsheet to start writing to. Each start/stop sequence will create an entry in that spreadsheet.
Install via your OS's app store.
- Cordova - Mobile App development framework
- Spring Data JPA - Framework for data access
- H2 - Database Engine
- Gradle - Project build automation tool
- Ed Jackson - EdJackson
- Paul Yorde - PaulYorde
- Danielle Richardson-Hill - DanielleRichardsonHill
- Tom Mundy - TomMundy
- John Rissell - JohnRissell
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used