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A general-purpose Java event bus / dispatching library.


These examples make use of Lombok annotations for brevity.

Get it

You can find the latest release from the Releases page or in Maven Central:


Define Events

Events are simple Java objects that extend an Event class. There are no restrictions about what can be stored in them.

import org.timothyb89.eventbus.Event;

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class SomeEvent extends Event {

  private final String someString;
  private final Object someObject;


Make an EventBus

EventBus instances only need to have a list of event classes the may need to process. To add an event type, use EventBus.add(Class).

import org.timothyb89.eventbus.*;

public class SomeEventProducer implements EventBusProvider {

  private EventBus bus;
  public SomeEventProducer() {
    bus = new EventBus() {{
      // any number of events here
  public EventBusClient bus() {
    return bus.getClient();
  public void triggerSomeEvent() {
    bus.push(new SomeEvent("some parameter", new Object()));


It's not required to implement EventBusProvider, but it can help to provide a consistent interface. The EventBusClient class only exposes event registration / deregistration functionality.

Register to receive events

First, flag any number of methods with the @EventHandler annotation. The type of event handled by a method is determined by its parameter:

import org.timothyb89.eventbus.*;

public class SomeEventReceiver {

  public void someEventOccurred(SomeEvent event) {
    System.out.println("an event occurred!");


Then, register for events:

SomeEventProducer producer = new SomeEventProducer();

SomeEventReceiver receiver = new SomeEventReceiver();

// -> "an event occurred!"


For a complete working example, see the demo package.

Future Plans

See Future Plans.


Is it thread-safe?

It should be safe to use between multiple threads, but currently events are distributed on the same thread as the caller. Unintential locking may occur if event listeners attempt to perform long-running tasks or do not otherwise return quickly.

In the future more event processing implementations may be introduced, allowing events to be processed in a dedicated event processing thread, in the context of another preexisting thread (in the style of GUI event loops), or as they are currently handled.

How do event hierarchies work?

All events must subclass Event, but you may also create event hierarchies. If you have a base AnimalEvent class with a subclass DogEvent you'll see the following behavior:

  • Listeners for DogEvent will only be notified of actual DogEvent instances.
  • Listeners for AnimalEvent will be notified of both AnimalEvent and DogEvent instances.

Note that you'll still need to create dedicated event queues via EventBus.add() for each subclass you actually wish to deliver events for.

How are exceptions handled?

Currently all exceptions are caught and logged. EventVetoException is a special case and is described below.

Can events be prioritized?

Yes. The @EventHandler annotation accepts an additional priority parameter as an integer. Some common priorities are defined in the EventPriority class.

By default, event handlers are implicitly @EventHandler( priority = EventPriority.NORMAL ), but this can be any other integer. Higher priorities are positive, while lower priorities are negative; "normal" has a priority of zero.

During execution, events handlers are executed in order of priority.

Can events be vetoed?

Yes, but event handlers may additionally flag themselves immune from this. By default, all event handlers are vetoable, but may disable this with @EventHandler( vetoable = false ).

Event handlers may throw an EventVetoException during the course of their execution to prevent lower-priority events from executing. However, any event handlers defined with vetoable = false will still execute.

Can interfaces specify event handlers?

Not at this time, no. This might be possible, but will likely not happen in the near future.

Can private methods be used as event handlers?

Yes, but this is turned off by default. To enable private method scanning, annotate the class containing the method with some @EventScanMode. You'll also need to specify an EventScanType:

  • FAST: the default mode; only public methods are scanned, including inherited methods
  • EXTENDED: all methods normally scanned by FAST, but also direct private methods (not inherited)
  • FULL: all methods scanned by EXTENDED, but also private methods of superclasses

There are some things to consider when turning on extended or full scanning. For one, some SecurityManager might disallow execution of private methods, although this isn't generally the case on the desktop JVM. There's also a higher runtime cost. Scanning of private methods is another full scanning pass; for complex classes, EXTENDED will probably be slower than FAST. Additionally, FULL scanning must (due to how the reflection APIs are implemented) scan every individual superclass, causing more full scanning passes.

You should try to only use FULL scanning when a superclass actually requires private method scanning to reduce the performance impact. EXTENDED scanning is useful when no superclass events are needed, and FAST scanning is often all you'll need if you only use public event handling methods.