This is fs
. What does it stand for? Use your imagination. It's an extremely opinionated file sharing tool.
It's purpose-built for my own file sharing needs, but you can use it too. Basically, it:
- Takes a file either by name or via stdin
- Uploads the file to a Google Cloud Storage bucket
- Optionally shortens the link with shorty
- Spits out a public link so you can share the file
It's meant to be dead-simple. It will read the config file from $HOME/.config/fs/config.json
and you will need to have a service account JSON file at $HOME/.config/fs/service_account.json
Here is a sample config.json
"projectId": "the-bin-256320", // GCP project ID
"bucketName": "", // GCS bucket name
"host": "", // Host the bucket is CNAMEd to
"shorten": true, // Shorten by default (otherwise you will need to explicitly pass --shorten)
"shorty": {
"baseUrl": "" // Base URL of your shorty instance if you want to use it
Some examples:
$ fs file.txt
$ echo "hello" | fs --name file.txt
$ neofetch --stdout | fs --name neofetch.txt
$ zip -r - . | fs --name
adding: file3.txt (deflated -99%)
adding: file1.txt (deflated -3%)
adding: file2.jpg (deflated 1%)