Each folder named with Problem Number contains a separate README.md
file that contains solution to that particular problem.
Python, SQL, Spark, Pandas & other helping libraries like Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib, Pytorch etc.
- Push the Jupyter Notebook or Colab to a private Github repo & share the access with Github users
- Please note committed notebook should have all the cells output required for explanation.
- Please add the proper heading & comments for each sub-task in the notebook before sharing.
- Commit ERDs and other documents into the above git repo
- Data generate in the data modelling question can be committed to git repo or shared separately in google drive (if the size if large)
- Please feel free to submit even if you are not able to attempt all the questions.
- However, try to submit full solutions to each problem instead of incomplete or partial answers.
- Please try to provide explanations to your code as much as possible within your notebooks itself