This repo contains
- Grafana Datasource that can stream real time data from a Signal K server and retrieve historical data via work in progress Signal K history API
- Trackmap plugin that can draw own vessel track from data retrieved via Signal K history API
- Dockerfile for a Grafana image that includes the datasource and plugin
The quickes way to try it out is to launch a prebuilt image from Docker Hub:
docker run -d -p 3002:3000 -e GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED=true -e GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ORG_ROLE=Admin tkurki/signalk-grafana:master
Note that this will run Grafana with anonymous admin access
- add a Signal K data source for
as default - add a Dashboard and Panel with the default
context andnavigation.speedOverGround
- change the time range to Last 5 minutes so that the streaming updates are clearly visible does not support the history API, so you get only streaming updates and the history is not retained over dashboard reloads.
Signal K InfluxDb 2 plugin implements the history API so the easiest way to try also history is to run a local Signal K server with some data the updates and InfluxDb plugin enabled. That should give you both access to historical data and streaming updates when you select a timerange up to now (last X minutes etc).
The plugins are so far unsigned and unpublished, so you need to tell Grafana that you want to run them anyway with GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS=signalk-datasource,signalk-trackmap