IPA stands for InfoPasażer Archives. InfoPasażer is a site maintained by PKP (National Polish Railways) that shows information about all trains (even not owned by PKP), eg. their current position and delay. The site is great, but trains disappear as soon as they reach their destinations; hence the idea of archiving it.
This project consists of:
- library for obtaining data from InfoPasażer:
- script for updating the data and storing it in the database:
directory - simple REST API:
directory - simple web frontend using that API:
Python 3 is used as the main language with BeautifulSoup and MySQL connector libraries. Data is stored in MariaDB. Frontend is served by Apache 2.4 using mod_wsgi and Flask.
Mainly for testing purpose, there are scripts for printing the contents directly from InfoPasażer to console.
Go to infopasazer.intercity.pl and find interesting station, then copy stationid
value from URL and run:
./station_api.py stationid
Go to infopasazer.intercity.pl and find interesting train, then copy trainid
value from URL and run:
./train_api.py trainid
Create new MySQL database and edit ipa_config.py
with credentials. Then create database schema:
./ipa.py create_schema
This will go to every stations defined in ipa_config.py
and fetch data for every train available:
./ipa.py update_trains
Please, do not abuse InfoPasażer site by executing this too often! To keep the data up to date add this line to crontab.
After gathering some data, you can use this commands to examine them.
This will list all train numbers (+ names):
./ipa.py print_trains
This will print 2700/1 SIEMIRADZKI
train history:
./ipa.py print_train '2700/1 SIEMIRADZKI'
Edit api/flaskapp.wsgi
file and set system paths to api
and src
directories, and also secret key.
Then create Apache page from this template:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName ipa.lovethosetrains.com
DocumentRoot /opt/ipa/html
<Directory /opt/ipa/html>
Require all granted
AllowOverride All
WSGIScriptAlias /api /opt/ipa/api/flaskapp.wsgi
<Directory /opt/ipa/api>
Require all granted
AllowOverride All
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/json
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ipa-error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ipa-access.log combined