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Tom Maiaroto edited this page Mar 19, 2018 · 6 revisions

Getting Started

This wiki will serve as a basic overview and guide for using Aegis. It will extend the README file found in the repo and talk about some of the strategies and reasons for the tool.

In order to use Aegis, it's assumed that the user has an AWS account and Go installed on their machine (and is familiar with coding Go of course). To get started simply go get and go install this project:

go get -u

go install

Now you should have access to the aegis command from your CLI.

When you go to a new (empty) project directory in your GOPATH, you can run the command:

aegis init

This will place some example code to get you started. It will place an aegis.yaml config file and a main.go application source code. Edit these in your favorite editor to your liking.

When you're ready to deploy your serverless API run the following command:

aegis deploy

If you don't have your AWS credentials configured from AWS CLI tool (typically found in something like ~/.aws/credentials), you can pass the credentials as flags with the command. See aegis help for more info and options.

That's all there is to it. Once running the up command, you'll see some notices about what's going on and at the end you'll be given your API URL.

The following sections of this wiki will go on to break down what's going on and explain some of the options you'll have available to you.

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