This utility uploads markdown files to a Notion workspace.
🚧 It is currently a frankenstein wrapper of md2notion and notion-py which are two abandoned projects.
md2notion implements a markdown to Notion block mapping -- but the published code is outdated and now incompatible with the public Notion API.
notion-py is a python client that appears to use the non-public Notion API -- but it also implements an object model for Notion blocks, which is very helpful for passing around and transforming blocks.
notionpub uses notion-sdk-py as its API client.
- Images from the filesystem are not uploaded
- Currently, the Notion API does not support this:
- An upload will first delete any existing pages, before re-creating them and populating them with content
- This prevents viewing page history in Notion
This project is currently in pre-alpha, but if you manage to download and install it, you can run it like so:
export NOTION_INTEGRATION_SECRET=secret_xyz123
python -m notionpub.main upload ./my/directory/ -c notionpub.yaml
- support configuring "delete-and-recreate" vs "clear page and repopulate"
- support remaining blocks
- CodeBlock
- DividerBlock
- HeaderBlock
- ParagraphBlock
- SubheaderBlock
- SubsubheaderBlock
- QuoteBlock
- TextBlock
- NumberedListBlock
- BulletedListBlock
- ImageBlock
- CollectionViewBlock
- TodoBlock
- EquationBlock
- implement "bulk block append"
- at the page level, we should build up the full list of child blocks and "append" them all at once
- this is tricky because those children may themselves have children, and the parent needs to exist before the children can be uploaded, so a fully-recursive implementation where the "deepest" block is uploaded first, is not possible
- I suppose this will require some sort of "breadth-first" algorithm, where we build up the first-level child list, upload them all at once, then do the same for each child once we have their
from the api.