This project aims the parallelization of some algorithms for the bandwidth and wavefront reduction problems. The related algorithms are:
- Reverse Cuthill McKee - RCM (Bandwidth Reduction)
- Sloan (Wavefront Reduction)
On linux, execute the command to install libraries used by the program:
sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev gfortran libblas-dev
./reordering-library -m <path of .mtx file> -a <algorithm> -p <number of threads> -b <percent of chunk>
- 0: Serial RCM
- 1: Serial Sloan
- 2: HSL RCM
- 3: HSL Spectral
- 4: HSL Sloan
- 5: Unordered RCM
- 6: Leveled RCM
- 7: Bucket RCM
- 8: Relaxed Order Sloan
- 9: Boost RCM
- 10: Boost Sloan
- 11: Logical Bag Sloan
- 12: Shrinked RCM
<percent of chunk>
- It is recommended the value of 0.5.
./reordering-library -m ./Matrices/rail_5177.mtx -a 5 -p 4 -b .5
- In this example, the matrix rail_5177 is processed by the Unordered RCM algorithm. It is executed with 4 threads.
valgrind --leak-check=yes myprog arg1 arg2
- For memory check, Valgrind has been used.
valgrind --tool=callgrind program [program_options]
- For performance profiling, Callgrind has been used.
kcachegrind callgrind.out.XXX
- For graphical performance visualization, KCachegrind has been used. The file callgrind.out.XXX is yielded by Callgrind, and XXX is the process identifier.