Steps to phase and impute using 1000 Genome data and Impute2 to study allelic imbalance with phASER (BETA version)
tar -xvzf *.tgz
export thousandGenome=$PATH:/path/to/1000GP_Phase3/
For simplicity and demo, testing only on one chromosome.
plink --bfile MSchip_RNAseq --recode --tab --out MSchip_RNAseq
plink --bfile MSchip_RNAseq --recode --out MSchip_RNAseq_recode_chr1 --chr 1
gtool -P --ped MSchip_RNAseq_recode_chr1.ped --map --og MSchip_RNAseq_recode_chr1.gen
impute2 -prephase_g -m $thousandGenome/genetic_map_chr1_combined_b37.txt -g MSchip_RNAseq_recode_chr1.gen -int 1 249250621 -Ne 20000 -o MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.prephasing.impute2 -allow_large_regions
File "hg19_chrLen" for chromosome size can be found in this repository
impute2 -use_prephased_g -m $thousandGenome/genetic_map_chr1_combined_b37.txt -h $thousandGenome/1000GP_Phase3_chr1.hap.gz -l $thousandGenome/1000GP_Phase3_chr1.legend.gz -known_haps_g MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.prephasing.impute2_haps -int 1 10000000 -Ne 20000 -o MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.chunk1.impute2 -phase -allow_large_regions -strand_g MSchip.strand
[[Note in case of the following error(seldom get into this error) "ERROR: Individual 47 (1-indexed) has invalid alleles '00.333' at position 215314870 " If SNPs not determined by prephasing, it confuses this step of imputation and result in following error.One way to fix using the following grep to remove the confused phases and continue to previous step of prephasing (step 4)]]
grep -v '0.333' MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.prephasing.impute2_haps > MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.prephasing.impute2_haps_corrected
The following script can concatenate all the pieces(eg. 24 pieces) of a single chromosome(for example chromosome). This can reduce the memory usage,
cat MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.chunk{1..24}.impute2 |sort -k3n |sed 's/---/chr1/g' >MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALLchunk.merged.impute2
cat MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.chunk{1..24}.impute2_haps |sort -k3n |sed 's/---/chr1/g' >MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALLchunk.merged.impute2_haps.haps
shapeit -convert --input-haps MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALL_chunks.impute2_haps --output-vcf MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALL_chunks.impute2_haps.vcf.gz --thread 8
tabix -f -p vcf MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALL_chunks.impute2_haps.vcf.gz
It requires a sample file for example, "MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALL_chunks.impute2_haps.sample"
Sample format can be found here
for example, sample "N000271" on chromosome 1
vcf-subset -c N000271 MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALL_chunks.impute2_haps.vcf.gz|bgzip -c >N000271_MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALL_chunks.impute2_haps.vcf.gz
tabix -f -p vcf N000271_MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALL_chunks.impute2_haps.vcf.gz
Reference to Phaser and package
'chr' label corrected version for hla bed file in the repository or download,
python /phaser/ --vcf N000271_MSchip_RNAseq_chr1.phased.ALL_chunks.impute2_haps.vcf.gz --bam N000271_Aligned_sorted_sort.bam --paired_end 1 --mapq 255 --baseq 10 --sample N000271 --blacklist hg19_hla.chr.bed --haplo_count_blacklist hg19_haplo_count_blacklist.chr.bed --threads 4 --o N000271_MSrepASE
'chr' label corrected version in the repository or download
python /phaser_gene_ae/ --haplotypic_counts N000271_MSrepASE.haplotypic_counts.txt --features hg19_ensembl.chr.bed --o N000271_Phaser_gene_ae.txt
R script "imbalance_FDR.R" file can be downloaded from this Repository. This test uses a binomial test to determine if genes have significant allelic imbalance (deviation from 50/50 expression).
Rscript --verbose imbalance_FDR.R N000271_Phaser_gene_ae.txt N000271_Phaser_gene_ae_FDR.txt