A pure JavaScript raster image processing engine.
Clone the repository and build it:
$ git clone https://github.com/tom-weatherhead/image-processing-js.git
$ cd image-processing-js
$ npm run build
Then run an image processing command; e.g.
$ npm start -- rs
$ npm start -- rs -sc -w 640 -h 480 -q 60
Supported bitmap image processing operations:
- Colour transformations
- Compositing
- Convolvutions, including Gaussian blur
- Flip and mirror
- Pixelate
- Resampling: Nearest neighbour, bilinear, and bicubic
- Rotation
- Implement and test resampling in context
- Test the new dividend remapping algorithm
- Attempt to improve the performance of the arithmetic code by using integer types such as UINT16,
and optimized operations such as (x / 256) === (x >> 8);
- Add unit tests