Explanation of the approach and evaluation can be found in the report: urban_growth_report.pdf.
- Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:tomas2211/urban_growth_task.git
- Install requrements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download and unzip the dataset
./download_data.sh [link from task assignment]
If you download the dataset elsewhere, specify the path by --data_folder
parameter. The dataset folder must contain images in imgs
folder and labels in labels
Pre-trained models can be found in models folder.
To visualize the urban index timeseries and save the figures in visualizations folder, use the following command:
python create_timeseries.py --device [cpu|cuda] --checkpoint_path models/[checkpoint] --out_folder visualizations
Training scripts with all parameter settings are located in scripts folder. Execute the script from the main directory.
Trained segmentation models can be evaluated by executing the following command:
python eval_net.py --device [cpu|cuda] --checkpoint_path models/[checkpoint] --out_folder evaluation_figures
If you want to enjoy the data analysis figures from the report as individual images, generate them using script data_analysis.py