auth to google:
- go to your project in google console and navigate to the credentials pane
- click Create Credentials - Service Account
- give it a unique name and hit continue
- add a role: Cloud Storage - Admin
- hit Done
- click on the newly created service account and go to Keys tab
- add a key - Create new key
- (OPTIONAL: download the json key and encode it with base64, eg: cat key.json | base64)
- add the key to your .env and cloud env
creating a bucket:
- name must be unique
- location type: Region
- location eg: us-central1 (Iowa)
- default storage class: Standard (for images), Nearline (for backups), ...
- access control: Uniform (bucket level permissions)
making the bucket publically available:
- go to
- click on your bucket
- permissions tab
- click on Grant Access
- New principal: allUsers
- Role: Storage Object Viewer
in order to be able to upsert the files to a bucket we need not only create role to that bucket but also read&delete... basically Admin role