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GGP-Python code

Python version of the Generalized Geometry Projection Framework [1]. It includes as well a python version of the Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA) optimization solver [2]. Four test cases are currently implemented in the provided python code: The MBB beam, the short cantiliever beam, the L-shape beam and a Wing Rib.

  1. Python script that contains the main code.
  2. Generalized_projection.ipnyb: Jupiter script containing runs for the different cases provided with their graphical solutions.
  3. MMA Solver Python: Python translation of the Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA) optimization solver [2].


[1] Coniglio, Simone et al. "Generalized Geometry Projection: A unified approach for geometric feature based topology optimization." Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s11831-019-09362-8 (2019) [2] Svanberg, Krister. "MMA and GCMMA, versions September 2007." Optimization and Systems Theory 104 (2007).