For example:
StrikePractice Events
Download the API jar to use in your own plugins here:
Create a folder called libs (or whatever you want) in your plugin folder and put the jar there.
wget -P libs
Now include the .jar in your pom.xml or build.gradle* file.
<!-- Your other dependencies -->
repositories {
// ...
// Include libs directory as a repository
flatDir { dirs("libs") }
dependencies {
// ...
// Add the API as a compileOnly dependency
Get current instance of the StrikePracticeAPI with the following:
StrikePracticeAPI api = StrikePractice.getAPI();
Now you can do anything with the api.
Player player = ...
Player opponent = api.getDuelOpponent(player);
if (opponent != null) {
opponent.sendMessage("Hello opponent!");
You will find most useful methods in the ga.strikepractice.api.StrikePracticeAPI
There are also custom Bukkit events for each fight type and more. You will find these under Just use them like any other Bukkit event.
public void onFightEnd(DuelEndEvent event) {
Player p = event.getWinner();
if(event.getFight().getKit().isElo()) {
PlayerStats stats = StrikePractice.getAPI().getPlayerStats(p);
int globalElo = stats.getGlobalElo();
p.sendMessage("Your global elo is now " + globalElo);
Or to set a custom spigot knockback to specific kits (Obviously not a working example but to get you started...):
public void onKitSelect(KitSelectEvent event) {
String kit = event.getKit().getName();
Knockback kb = getKnockback(kit);
// Set the kb found or default knockback
event.getPlayer().setKnockback(kb == null ? getKnockback("default") : kb);
private KnockBack getKnockback(String key) {
return ... // Your stuff here
//Also see KitDeselectEvent (called when the kit is removed from the player)
StrikePracticeAPI api = StrikePractice.getAPI();
// Fully custom elo calculations
api.setEloCalculator(elos -> {
// "how much better the winner was before this match"
int diff = elos.getWinnerOldElo() - elos.getLoserOldElo();
if (diff > 10) {
elos.setLoserNewElo(elos.getLoserOldElo() - 20);
elos.setWinnerNewElo(elos.getWinnerOldElo() + 20);
if (diff > 20) {
elos.setLoserNewElo(elos.getLoserOldElo() - 50);
elos.setWinnerNewElo(elos.getWinnerOldElo() + 50);
} else {
elos.setLoserNewElo(elos.getLoserOldElo() - 100);
elos.setWinnerNewElo(elos.getWinnerOldElo() + 100);
// ...or
// Modify existing calculator by just multiplying the changes by 2
StrikePracticeAPI api = StrikePractice.getAPI();
EloCalculator defaltCalc = api.getEloCalculator();
api.setEloCalculator(elos -> {
elos.setWinnerNewElo(elos.getWinnerNewElo() * 2);
elos.setLoserNewElo(elos.getLoserNewElo() * 2);