This project was implemented as semestral work for class Enterprise Data Warehouses at Czech Technical University, Faculty of Information Technology.
Authors: @tousekjan, @66Antigravity
The data for this semestral work is an Airlines dataset. These data were given to us in the task description.
Output: Text description of source data - detailed description of all attributes including data types, business names, business description Entity model of Target database Database model of Stage and Target in CASE tool
The detailed description of any attribute also with data types are in this Google sheet. In file detectedDataTypes.txt
there is even detailed description of the data types for Postgres database, which was generated using python script
The business description of the attributes are in the google sheet above.
- countries: Data about countries, where any airline is operating
- airlines: An airline is an company, which operates flights on specified routes.
- airports: Each airport contains several runways. An Airport is located in a country.
- planes: Data about planes
- regions: Region is a part of a country
- routes: designed route from one to another airport
- airport_frequencies: defining which airport uses which frequency
- runways: defines measures and directions of a runway
- navaids: navigational aid for an airpot about navaid
Desribed in schema_target.jpg
The conceptual diagram model of the database is this sheet, also printed in schema_concept.jpg
Stage DB model is desribed in schema_stage.jpg
- datová logická mapa integrovaných dat - názvy atributů v source systému, názvy atributů v target DB, typ historizace apod.
The map is available in this Google sheet
- upravené DDL s technickými sloupci a správnými klíči
DDL files to create Stage and Target databases are located in folder db. We are using Postgresql database running in docker container configured in docker_compose.yaml
. After running docker-compose up
the container runs scripts in folder db and initializes the database.
- ETL procesy pro stage i target (ukázka historizace všech typů) - jeden job, který bude spouštět ostatní transformace, které nahrávají jednotlivé tabulky (co transformace, to tabulka, transformace se nacházejí v transakci)
All transformations are located in folder transformations. Screenshots from Pentaho are in folder images.
If you have enough memory, start docker, run docker-compose up
, which will create postgres database on localhost, port 5432
and will run all three scripts from db
directory in alphabetical order:
- init script (for new user named
, password is indocker-compose.yaml
) - create script for stage DB
- create script for target DB
If you still did not get rid of your 2gb ram and Core 2 Duo Lover, you can do it oldschool:
- start your postgres db on localhost
- run all sql create scripts in
directory in alphabetical order
After all this, go to transformations
dir and after opening Pentaho Data Integration, version 6.
Do not forget to edit your environment variables in PDI Kettle, namely InputFolder
containing all the data and TransformationsFolder
containing all the transformations (prereq of the jobs only). Example provided in .env-pentaho
In this friendly application run:
To run both stage and target jobs run:
or go and play around with each transformation.
Stage load time: ~1min
Target load time: ~12min
Almost all data are historized using SCD1, instead of planes. There are more updates on planes data from 2018-2019, so we decided to use SCD2 historization to see the changes in time.
Unfortunately we did not come up with anything more robust than running first
and thent_plane_load.ktr
with different filepath in CSV file input pentaho component. -
There is one M:N relation between planes and routes, named
in target database.- Since there are some planes missing in the attribute, we just think of them as already outdated, and do not keep them in this table (in other words, we filter out null values after doing database lookup).
"Make the transformation database transactional" may not be checked in all transformations. However, it works as it should.
To at least empirically prove, that this part of semestral works, here are screenshots of both stage and target jobs:
- model datamartu v CASE nástroji
- DDL datamartu
- business popis navrženého datamartu - obsažené atributy, smysl datamartu
- dashboard v Power BI ve formátu .pbix
- písemné zodpovězení libovolných 2 ze 3 zadaných otázek pomocí dashboardu
- demonstrace výstupů v dashboardu pomocí videa (není potřeba nějak natáčet sebe, stačí pouze smysluplně klikat a komentovat dashboard vč. zobrazených výsledků)
- Mezi jakými letišti se létají nejdelší lety? HINT: Analyzujte interaktivní formou - včetně detailu o jednotlivých nejdelších letech.
- Jaké země v Evropě má nejhustší síť letišť? Zkuste porovnat i s počtem letových tras, jestli tyto dva aspekty spolu korelují. HINT: Pro výpočet poměru můžete využít externí zdroje s rozlohou jednotlivých evropských států, např.
- not answering:
Je důležitá pro výběr výrobce letadel země, ve které se aerolinka nachází? HINT: Zkuste analyzovat případy, kdy v Americe mají aerolinky flotilu tvořenou evropskými letadly (např. Airbus) a naopak v Evropě, kdy aerolinky používají výhradně Boeing. V případě Ruska zkoumejte zastoupení západních letadel (Boeing, Airbus) v porovnání s ruskými letadly (Ilyushin, Tupolev, Antonov). Následnou analýzu vyhodnoťte a odpovězte na zadanou otázku.
To run the docker container and Pentaho transformations see 02
The DDL to create datamart create_datamart.sql
was added to the db folder to be inicialized by docker-compose.
Database role analytics and user powerbi
with password niedw
is created. The user has CONNECT and SELECT permissions on schema datamart
To create datamart views, simply run all the transformations from 02
and they will be lazily created (if not, connect to the postgres database and run the script again).
Number of airports and routes in each country. Computed using count(distinct x)
The coordinations of source and destination airports are used to calculate distance between them. To compute the distance we use the earth_distance
function from installed extension earthdistance
This fact table is the source for visualization of routes on world map. To create the visualization we need the latitude and longtitude of airport and also a point in time to be able to draw the line from source to destination airport. Source airports have time = 1 and destination airports have time = 2.
Model of the datamart:
Attributes in datamart database tables are described in this Google Doc
The Dashboard (airlines_report.pbix
) uses the datamart to visualize airlines data. Additionally it parses html table from Web source to get areas of European countries. The areas are saved in table country_areas
The report contains 3 dashboards:
- Route distances - shows longest routes in dataset and length distribution
- Europe airports - shows map of European airports and compares the counts of airports and routes to the area of given country
- Routes - visualizes the routes of active airlines on world map
Below is a table with longest 12 routes:
After ordering fact_distance table by distance, we get Zambia <-> Los Angeles operated by Proflight Commuter Services. This route is equipped by British Aerospace Jetstream 32 and 41. These two planes have range of 1 200 / 1 433 km respectively (source), which is definitely less than 16 100 km - route length. This must be some kind of mistake in the data.
Ignoring this might-be-mistake route we find a second longest route from Sydney to Dallas of length 13 824 km equipped with Boeing 747. This plane (type 747-400ER) has a range of 14 045 km (with max. payload and takeoff weight) (source), which can make this route.
Assuming first route is a mistake, second one (Sydney - Dallas) is a winner.
Below is a histogram of route distances:
This histogram graph was created with size of bin: 10km. Here we can see, that most of the routes are pretty short, ranging from approx. 250km to 1500km.
2. Jaké země v Evropě má nejhustší síť letišť? Zkuste porovnat i s počtem letových tras, jestli tyto dva aspekty spolu korelují.
In the map below we can see approximately how many airports there are in europe.
First of all, we need to select web source - wikipedia - to fill the area field the fact table of airports. Then we will link these numbers to countries, where the airports are, filter out non-european countries and there we have the winner:
Above is a table of countries in Europe, ordered by number of airports to area ratio. Top 10 are shown.
The first entry - Malta is a small islands beneath Sicily with area of only 316km^2. Since it has 2 airports, it makes it the country with the most dense network of airports per country.
Taking in mind number of routes per country ratio, we can see how nicely these two fields correlate. The correlation is 0.86, which is very close to 1 (meaning perfect linear correlation). It makes sense - higher the number of airports per country, higher the number of routes beginning/finishing in the country.
There is a directory video
in this repository, where are demonstration videos in mp4 format of two answered questions.