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This package provides a type DiscreteRange{T} for types T which are isomorphic to integers, in the sense that elements of T can be thought of as evenly spaced values using some relevant arithmetic operations. All subtypes of Integer satisfy this, and also Date.

DiscreteRange(left::T, right::T) is meant to represent all values x::T such that a ≤ x ≤ b. In this sense it is very similar to a UnitRange, except that it can be defined for types other than <: Real, and extended easily (see below). Iteration, indexing and array interfaces are supported, and so are basic set operations (, , , , etc).

Comparison and conflict with IntervalSets.jl

IntervalSets.jl is a similar library serving a different purpose. Both export .., you can avoid conflicts by importing only DiscreteRange and optionally using another infix operator:

using DiscreteRanges: DiscreteRange
const  = DiscreteRanges.:(..) # or pick your favorite operator
12                            # DiscreteRange{Int}(1, 2)

Then comparing the two packages, keep in mind that IntervalSets.jl is better for representing intervals of real numbers, while a DiscreteRange is a collection of a finite number of objects.

The following table summarizes the differences:

DiscreteRange IntervalSets.ClosedInterval
3 ∈ 1..3 true true
3.0 ∈ 1..3 true (converted first) true (compared as is)
3.1 ∈ 1..3 throws InexactError true
1.0..3.0 throws ArgumentError (non-discrete type) valid
(1..2) ∪ (3..4) 1..4 throws ArgumentError (disjoint)
length(1..3) 3 3 (this may change)
width(1..3) throws MethorError 2
(1..2) ∈ (0..10) throws MethorError true

Extending for custom types

To make DiscreteRange work for a type T, define isdiscrete, discrete_gap, and discrete_next. See their docstring for further information. There is an example in the unit tests.


Representation and basic operations for ranges of types isomorphic to integers.







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