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3D Rigid Transforms in C++ with frame checking


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3D Rigid Transforms in C++ with frame checking. Ttfrm is built on top of Eigen. It's implemented with quaternions instead of matrices, if you happen to care about those sort of things.

Frame checking means that you can't accidentally mix up your transforms. Well you can, but Ttfrm will helpfully crash your program. At least I think it's helpful. Maybe it's best to see an example:

const quat rot = {0.7071, 0.0, -0.7071, 0.0};
const vec3 trans = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};

// Transform to X from World
const tfrm<std::string> x_from_world(to_s("x") << from_s("world"), rot, trans);

// Transform to Y from X
const tfrm<std::string> y_from_x(to_s("y") << from_s("x"), rot, trans);

// Transform to Z from Y
const tfrm<std::string> z_from_y(to_s("z") << from_s("y"), rot, trans);

// Compose transforms to get the transform to Z form World (?)
const tfrm<std::string> z_from_world = z_from_y * x_from_world;

// ...Oops, forgot the transform to Y from X!

The above code will crash with the following exception:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ttfrm::compose_exception'
  what():  Cannot compose transforms ([z] << [y]) and ([x] << [world])
Aborted (core dumped)

The programmer can then go and fix the error!

// We found the bug and everything is good this time!
const tfrm<std::string> z_from_world = z_from_y * y_from_x * x_from_world;


The build uses Meson and Ninja. You will need to install those. On Ubuntu you can probably run something like:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip ninja-build
$ sudo pip3 install meson

You may optionally install dependencies for Eigen3, GTest, and SDL2. (GTest and SDL2 are only used for tests and demos.) If you don't install them, Meson should automatically download the dependencies for you.

# This is optional, Meson can download dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev libfmt-dev libgtest-dev libsdl2-dev

Once the dependencies are in place, we can run the build:

$ meson setup build
$ ninja -C build


Run the tests using the following commands:

$ meson setup build
$ ninja -C build
$ ./build/tfrm_test
$ ./build/tfrm_tree_test


Run the benchmarks using the following commands:

$ meson setup build
$ ninja -C build
$ ./build/tfrm_bench

Chaining Transforms

Transforms can be composed using a multiplication-like operator. So you can write compositions like this:

// Here's a good way to name your transforms!
const auto z_from_world = z_from_x * x_from_y * y_from_world;

I recommend the naming convention target_from_source, because it's easier to visually check that the transform chain is correct. When frames match up lexicographically, it indicates that they also match up in the transform chain, e.g., _x * x_ and _y * y_.

Compare this to the source_to_target naming convention:

// Here's a not-so-good way to name your transforms!
const auto world_to_z = x_to_z * y_to_x * world_to_y;

Poses As Transforms

The relationship between poses and transforms can be somewhat confusing. I think that's because they're essentially two different names for the same thing. A pose contains a rotation and translation relative to some frame, exactly like a transform. If we want to transform a pose, we can do that by treating the pose as a transform. To transform the pose, we just compose the transform and the pose-like transform.

We typically use language like "Pose A in the World Frame." If we treat the pose as a transform, we would instead say something like "Transform to the World Frame from Frame A". Does that seem backwards? Consider that Pose A is at the origin of Frame A. To get Pose A in the World Frame, we must transform the origin of Frame A to the World Frame, which looks something like this:

const auto pose_a_in_world = world_from_a * origin_in_a;

Of course, transforming the origin is completely unnecessary, and we can just use an alias:

const auto& pose_a_in_world = world_from_a;

If you only have the inverse, you could use that too:

const auto pose_a_in_world = a_from_world.inverse();

Why Quaternions?

Quaternions take up less memory than rotation matrices:


Sizes of ttfrm types:
  sizeof(ttfrm::quat) = 32
  sizeof(ttfrm::vec3) = 24
  sizeof(ttfrm::tfrm<int>) = 80
  sizeof(ttfrm::tfrm<std::uint8_t>) = 80
  sizeof(ttfrm::tfrm<std::sting>) = 128
  sizeof(ttfrm::tfrm<(Empty Struct)>) = 80
Sizes of Eigen types:
  sizeof(Eigen::Matrix3d) = 72
  sizeof(Eigen::Vector3d) = 24
  sizeof(Eigen::Matrix4d) = 128
  sizeof(Eigen::Isometry3d) = 128
Memory usage summary:
  ttfrm::tfrm<int> IS SMALLER THAN Eigen::Isometry3d
    (You save 48 B per transform, 46.875 KiB for every 1000 transforms)
  ttfrm::tfrm<std::string> IS THE SAME SIZE AS Eigen::Isometry3d

They are also faster to interpolate, which is nice for robotics:


Running ttfrm::tfrm<int> benchmarks over 100M iterations... Done!
Running Eigen::Isometry3d benchmarks over 100M iterations... Done!

CPU usage summary:
  ttfrm::tfrm<int> benchmarks:
    Apply:   Took 1.677 s (16 ns average)
    Compose: Took 2.081 s (20 ns average)
    Inverse: Took 1.827 s (18 ns average)
    Interp:  Took 1.651 s (16 ns average)
  Eigen::Isometry3d benchmarks:
    Apply:   Took 0.611 s (6 ns average)
    Compose: Took 1.444 s (14 ns average)
    Inverse: Took 1.594 s (15 ns average)
    Interp:  Took 4.609 s (46 ns average)

You might also expect composition to be faster with quaternions, but I'm guessing Eigen's Isometry3d is so well optimized it's actually faster!


In the tests directory there is a simple 2D Spirograph-like demo. It works by composing several parameterized, circular transforms. You can run it using the following commands:

$ meson setup build
$ ninja -C build
$ ./build/spirograph_demo

Spirograph Demo