Project by Gloriana Lang, India Hayler Kerle, Francesco Lanzone, Maximilian Gahntz, and Stephanie Tran
Plots developed by Stephanie Tran.
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After two full days of Advanced R lessons by Joel Gombin (@joelgombin) we were thrown head-first into a Datathon - 1.5 days of aquiring, cleaning, analyzing (and a bit of hair-pulling) with 'open' data. Led by Timothée Gidoin @Gidoin, it was a lot of trial and error. As a group, we agreed that the data available was inconsistent, lacked interoperability, and was overall unreliable. We decided that leaving the research question unanswered would be a responsible move considering the lack of quality data.
All public and private education institutions. Expenditure for full-time students as percentage of GDP in OECD countries (2015):
mean: 318.3187
median: 278.0577