Abundance of conserved CRISPR-Cas9 target sites within the highly polymorphic genomes of Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes from natural populations
This project was funded by the Univeristy of California, Irvine Malaria Inititive
NOTE: Large datafiles (eg. vcf files) will gladly be provided upon request.
: sample lists and metadata for the VGL (Vector Genetics Lab) samples used in this studynotes.md
: working notes for running chopchop on all transcripts from a genomeall_transcript_runs/
: scripts and log files from running chopchop on all transcripts for AgamP4.11 and AaegL5.1utils/
: additional small scripts used in preparing datafiles for chopchopparsing/
: iPython notebooks used to process all_transcript_runs resultsvariants/
: iPython notebooks used to process variant data, collate it with all_transcript_runs, and produce statistics and figures