ActorSpawnerPlugin is a UE4 plugin to handle spawning actors in your level.
- Download the plugin or clone the repo
- Copy into your Project/Plugins folder
- Open your project
- Create a blueprint derived of ActorAreaSpawn or ActorSpawnPoint.
- Create a DataTable derived of ActorSpawnGroup.
- In your GameState (either in BP as follows or in C++) spawn an AActorSpawnManager actor via Server.
- Go into your Project Settings -> Project -> ActorSpawner and configure the settings the way that you need to.
If you have trouble feel free to open an Issue.
Well I originally wrote this for a survival project a couple years ago and I submitted to Epic Games for the UE Marketplace and they denied it. So I figured why not go ahead and release for free.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.