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The PHP framework for Pure PHP Lovers!


  • PHP 7.x
  • MySQL 5.7.x
  • TWIG
  • HTML 5
  • SASS / CSS3
  • JS / jQuery

What we should (pre)install?

Framework Initialization

Well, now you can clone the repository to have the sources of the framework! git clone [url_du_projet] Then create a database and connect it to your framework creating the /sources/configDB.json file (you can have a look at the /sources/configDB_base.json ) and put the values of your databases like this:

	"host": "localhost",	// Server host
	"bdd": "marketplace",	// Database name
	"user": "root",			// UserName
	"pass": "",				// Password
	"env": ""				// Environnement should "prod" if on production

Then we have to install framework dependencies, let's start with the Back : composer install and now the front : npm install. Well done mine-framework is now ready to use!

Now the best way to initialize your project is to use a in apache and point the to the /public folder of mine-framework. You can find a lot of good tutorial around the web.

If you don't want to use a Virtual Host you can put your project on your localhost and then access to it from your url : localhost/mine-framework/public/ but you have to add a tag in your html to point the url to localhost/mine-framework/public/ to make paths and routes work.


So, our folder is divided in 4 important subfolders : configs, public, resources and sources. You should never modify the public folder, the config folder is just here to let you configure your environnement and then you have the two main folders, resources for the assets (not minified nor compiled) and then the sources where all the application run.

So now, I provided you a Gulp file to minify and compile your assets from /resources to /public/assets so just run from the command line gulp. As you can see the project is made with SASS, I recommand you to use this, but if you prefer you can write pure CSS... Warning : gulp will provide you a local server to automaticly reload when you change something in your assets or your sources, you have to configure the proxy in the gulpfile (line 22) and put your virtual host url, then it will launch the server on the port 3000, if you remove the port from the URL it will not reload your page!


Now just focus on the sources, the most important part of the architecture.

  • Routes -> /sources/routes.php
  • Controllers -> /sources/Controllers
  • Models -> /sources/Models
  • Managers -> /sources/Managers
  • Classes -> /sources/Classes
  • Views -> /sources/Views

Well, if you already have develop with Object Programming in PHP, I supose I don't have to explain you, but let me explain for everyone... I will not provide a course, just be as simple as possible :

  • First, you define the Routes that the application can read (with the method and the url) and you link a Controller Method.
  • Then, when the url is called, the Controller will execute the Method, and exchange with your databases with the uses of the Models and the Managers, and can use generall Classes to play with the datas.
  • Models are just a representation of a Table, with Getters and Setters method to hydrate them.
  • Managers are the messengers between Controller and Databases, using Models to interprate the datas...
  • Views are Twig Templates that construct all the views with the datas received from the Controller

So the Architecture is :

| -
| - .gitignore
| - autoloader.php
| - composer.json
| - gulpfile.js
| - package.json
| - configs
	| - configDB.json
	| - configDB_base.json
| - public
	| - index.php
	| - assets
		| - styles
		| - images
		| - scripts
		| - fonts
| - resources
	| - sass
		| - general (contain every global vars of your css)
	| - js
	| - images
	| - fonts
| - sources
	| - autoload.php
	| - routes.php
	| - Classes (contain every classes that your controllers can use)
		| - Database.php
		| - Middleware.php
		| - PasswordStorage.php
		| - Validator.php
	| - Controllers
		| - MyController.php
	| - Models
		| - My.php
	| - Managers
		| - MyManager.php
	| - Views
		| - MyView.html


© Simon Trichereau - 2017