This repository just presents some Design Patterns in Javascript that I've learned while I was studying about and it serves like a place I can revisit anytime I need to review these concepts.
I've got through a O'Reilly book by Addy Osmani titled "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns" and a few articles I've found on the web. Feel free to explore.
I've got insterested to improve myself as a Software Developer and realized that I need to learn some (old) new things like Clean Code and Design Patterns in order to make my code better in many ways such as readbility, structure, extensability, scalability, performance, etc.
I've known SOLID since my beginning but I had hard times to implement all these principles and I realized one of most difficulties was to code something easier to maintain, extend and scale. Design Patterns are well-known patterns that once applied it will help improve your code and assure you can have more time to other things than putting fire 🧯🔥 down. 🤣🤣🤣.
João Trepichio |
🔥 GitHub |