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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Usage - Configuration options
  3. Reference - Parameter and detailed reference to all options
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  6. TODO
  7. Additional Information


This module is intended to streamlines the installation and configuration of ZFS on Linux.

ZFS Compatibility

ZFS on Linux Versions <= 0.6.2 0.6.3 0.6.4 > 0.6.4
puppet-zfsonlinux 0.x yes no no no
puppet-zfsonlinux 1.x no yes yes no
puppet-zfsonlinux 2.x no yes yes yes


This module now supports management of the ZED configuration options and the ZED service. All the default values are set to be the defaults used if all the options in 'zed.rc' were commented out.

ZED emails are disabled by ensuring 'ZED_EMAIL' is absent, unless zed_email has a value other than 'UNSET'.

The 'ZED_SPARE_ON_IO_ERRORS' and 'ZED_SPARE_ON_CHECKSUM_ERRORS' options are set to '0' by default which disables the hot sparing functionality for those events.

The ZED service is started at boot by adding a line to /etc/rc.local and is started if the manage_zed and enable_zed parameters are both true.

For details regarding ZED refer to these commits:



The default behavior ensures the following:

  • repositories are configured
  • ZFS package installed
  • ZFS module parameters are set (if defined using 'tunables' parameter)
  • ZED options are set
  • ZFS service is started and enabled


class { 'zfsonlinux': }

ZFS kernel module options can be set using the tunables parameter. This example sets the 'zfs_arc_max' to 240457728

class { 'zfsonlinux':
  tunables  => { 'zfs_arc_max' => '240457728' },

This example sets the ARC to a percentage of memory.

class { 'zfsonlinux':
  zfs_arc_max_percent => '25',

Configure the ZED to send emails to root and to send emails regardless of pool health.

class { 'zfsonlinux':
  zed_email         => 'root',
  zed_email_verbose => '1',

Configure the ZED to replace a drive with a hot spare after 1 I/O error or 10 checksum errors

class { 'zfsonlinux':
  zed_spare_on_io_errors        => '1',
  zed_spare_on_checksum_errors  => '10',



Public classes

  • zfsonlinux: Installs and configures ZFS.

Private classes

  • zfsonlinux::repo::el: Configures the ZFS on Linux yum repositories.
  • zfsonlinux::install: Installs ZFS packages.
  • zfsonlinux::config: Configures ZFS.
  • zfsonlinux::zed: Manages the ZFS Event Daemon.
  • zfsonlinux::service: Manages the ZFS service.
  • zfsonlinux::params: Sets parameter defaults based on fact values.




The URL for zfs-release RPM. This is used to install the necessary GPG key.

Defaults to${::operatingsystemmajrelease}.noarch.rpm


The baseurl used for the zfs Yumrepo. Default is OS specific.


The baseurl used for the zfs-source Yumrepo. Default is OS specific.


The baseurl used for the zfs-testing Yumrepo. Default is OS specific.


The baseurl used for the zfs-testing-source Yumrepo. Default is OS specific.


The zfs package ensure value. Default is 'installed'.


The name of the zfs package to install. Default is OS specific.


The zfs service ensure value. Default is 'running'.


The zfs service enable value. Default is true.


The name of the zfs service. Default is OS specific.


The zfs service hasstatus value. Default is OS specific.


The zfs service hasrestart value. Default is OS specific.


The zfs service status value. Default is OS specific.


Boolean that sets if ZED configuration should be managed. Default is true.


Boolean that sets if ZED service should be managed. Default is true.

This should be set to false for ZoL >= 0.6.4


Boolean that sets if the ZED service should be enabled. Default is true.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_DEBUG_LOG' option. Default is '/tmp/zed.debug.log'.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_EMAIL' option. Default is 'UNSET' which ensures this options is absent.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_EMAIL_VERBOSE' option. Default is '0'.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_EMAIL_INTERVAL_SECS' option. Default is '3600'.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_LOCKDIR' option. Default is '/var/lock'.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_RUNDIR' option. Default is '/var/run'.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_SYSLOG_PRIORITY' option. Default is 'daemon.notice'.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_SYSLOG_TAG' option. Default is 'zed'.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_SPARE_ON_IO_ERRORS' option. Default is '0'.


The value used for the ZED 'ZED_SPARE_ON_CHECKSUM_ERRORS' option. Default is '0'.


A Hash that defines options for zfs kernel module. Default is an empty Hash.


This value is used to set zfs_arc_max tunable based on percent of memory on the host system. Default is undef.

If zfs_arc_max is set in tunables, that value will take priority over the value generated from the percentage.


This module is intended for ZFS on Linux version >= 0.6.3.

This module has been tested on:

  • CentOS 6 x86_64
  • Scientific Linux 6 x86_64

Known Issues

Changes to the tunables will not take effect until the ZFS kernel module is reloaded.



Testing requires the following dependencies:

  • rake
  • bundler

Install gem dependencies

bundle install

Run unit tests

bundle exec rake test

If you have Vagrant >= 1.2.0 installed you can run system tests

bundle exec rake beaker


Additional Information

ZFS on Linux