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Trinity On Terra

Joshua Gould edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 4 revisions


Instructions for running Trinity on Terra. The Trinity workflow is available here.

  1. Upload your FASTQ files to your workspace bucket.


    gsutil -m cp /foo/bar/projects/*.fastq.gz gs://my-bucket/

    Please see here for additional documentation.

  2. Import CTAT/trinityrnaseq workflow to your workspace.

    See the Terra documentation for adding a workflow.

  3. In your workspace, open trinityrnaseq in the WORKFLOWS tab. If you are running a single sample, select Run workflow with inputs defined by file paths, otherwise select Run workflow(s) with inputs defined by data table. Terra uses a workspace data table to run a workflow over multiple samples. Enter the workflow parameters and and click the Save button.


Please see the description of important inputs below.

Name Description Example Value
left Array of left FASTQ files ["gs://my-bucket/10M.left.fq.gz"]
right Array of right FASTQ files ["gs://my-bucket//10M.right.fq.gz"]
genome_guided_bam BAM file for genome guided assembly "gs://my-bucket//aligned.bam"
extra_args Extra command line arguments to pass to Trinity "--seqType fq --SS_lib_type RF"
memory_read_clustering_phase Memory for read clustering phase (default 150G) "25G"


File Description
Trinity.fasta Trinity assembly FASTA
Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map File that maps gene to transcripts
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