Icon themes for FreeCAD
This module adds support for icon themes to FreeCAD.
It uses the resource files (.rcc) of QT (FreeCAD's interface framework). rcc-files bundle multiple resources into a single which is perfect for theming.
This module can be installed via the FreeCAD Addon Manager. In FreeCAD, Open Tools > Addon Manager and search for "IconThemes" in the list.
Install path for FreeCAD modules depends on the operating system used:
- Linux:
- MacOS:
- Windows:
For the demonstration purposes demo.rcc icon theme was provided.
Move the demo.rcc to the appropriate location:
- On Linux:
- On MacOS:
- On Windows:
Note: The folder might not exist, but you can create them manually
You can then open the icon themes preferences in FreeCAD (Accessories > IconThemes) and choose the icon theme.
For the demonstration purposes DemoTheme.zip icon theme was provided.
Extract the DemoTheme.zip archive to the appropriate location:
- On Linux:
- On MacOS:
- On Windows:
You need QT's resource compiler (rcc). You can get it by installing the QT developer tools.
Ingredients of a typical FreeCAD icon pack (all files located in a single folder):
- Icons preferably in the SVG format (e.g. view-top.svg)
- index.theme file
- .qrc file
You can find such a structure in demo-rcc-assets
The contents of an index.theme file:
[Icon Theme]
Comment=Demo icon theme pack
The contents of a .qrc file:
<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
<qresource prefix="/icons/Demo">
<qresource prefix="/icons/Demo/scalable">
Note: There is still work being done, but for now use the same icon file names that can be found in the FreeCAD source code.
QT's resource compiler tool (rcc) is used to compile the contents you specified in the .qrc-file into a single .rcc-file.
/usr/bin/rcc --binary demo.qrc -o demo.rcc --format-version 1
Note 1: If current version of rcc tool is used and to preserve support for Qt4 and older Qt5 versions (likely versions below Qt 5.9). Use the --format-version, otherwise you don't need to use it.
Note 2: The path of rcc tool depends on your OS:
- Linux:
- MacOS:
/usr/local/Cellar/qt/{your QT version}/bin/rcc
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