Pydocspec is a object specification for representing API documentation of a collection of related python modules. It offers facility to resolve names according to python lookups rules and provides additional informations.
The object model is built to be compatible with the docspec specification.
We provide our own loader, based on astroid, a powefull AST analysis library.
There is also the possiblity to create a pydocspec
tree from docspec_python
and the other way around.
This can be used to serialize trees to JSON format and read them back into pydocspec
The main goal of this project is to replace the 15 years old pydoctor AST builder that is becomming unmaintainable.
Pydocspec focuses on Python semantic analysis, strives to be extensible, correct well documented and de-coupled from any presentation details.
This software is work in progress... API might change without deprecation notice.
Read the API documentation for more information.