Downloads drivers and software for current PC model and creates a driver package that can be imported into SCCM as a package or application.
If you are tasked with preparing a new PC model for operating system install using SCCM, DriverTool can provide the heavy lifting of finding, downloading and do the initial packaging of drivers and driver updates.
When the heavy lifting is done you still have to test and make adjustments to the produced package. Also any firmware and BIOS updates need to be adjusted and packaged separately to be run unattended in the task sequence.
Packaging and command line experience is required to use and understand this tool.
DriverTool currently supports PCs from Dell, HP and Lenovo.
Install Windows 10 from original media
- Typically there will be uknown devices in Device Manager after operating system has been installed.
Create system restore snapshot
- Before making any changes to the system after OS install, create a system restore snapshot.
- This snapshot can be restored when testing driver package later in the procedure.
- The c:\temp working folder will be unaffected by a system restore.
Install chocolatey package manager
- This will provide effective install of various tools. Alternatively you could prepare a USB stick with the tools.
- Open powershell admin command prompt and run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Install Notepad++ if you prefer a more advanced text editor than Notepad.
- Open admin command prompt and run:
choco install notepadplusplus
Install DriverTool to c:\Temp\DriverTool
- Download from latest release from:
Create an initial driver package. This will download all drivers and updates found for the current model. Including any Firmware and BIOS updates.
IF NOT EXIST "c:\temp" mkdir "c:\temp" IF NOT EXIST "c:\temp\DI" mkdir "c:\temp\DI" CD c:\temp "c:\temp\DriverTool\DriverTool.exe" CreateDriverPackage /destinationFolder="c:\temp\DI" /packagePublisher="YourCompany" /baseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates="False"
Install SCCM Package, Example:
cd C:\temp\DI\20EQ0022MN\2021-03-05-1.0\Script\Drivers\005_Sccm_Package_2019_11_01 c:\temp\DI\20EQ0022MN\2021-03-05-1.0\Script\Drivers\005_Sccm_Package_2019_11_01\DT-Install-Package.cmd
- This will fill up the machine with vendor provided "injecteable" (INF) drivers. Device Manager will show less or no uknown devices after this step.
Install vendor specific update utility.
- Lenovo System Update
- choco install lenovo-thinkvantage-system-update
- Dell Command Update
- choco install DellCommandUpdate
- HP Image Assistant
- Lenovo System Update
Run vendor specific update utility and install all recommended updates exluding BIOS and firmware.
- Do any necessary reboots and check that all devices are ok in Device Manager.
- BIOS and firmware must be installed in separate packages due to general requirement for hard reboot.
Create Driver Package based on installed updates.
IF NOT EXIST "c:\temp\D" mkdir "c:\temp\D" "c:\temp\DriverTool\DriverTool.exe" CreateDriverPackage /destinationFolder="c:\temp\D" /packagePublisher="YourCompany" /baseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates="True" /excludeUpdatePatterns="['BIOS';'Firmware']"
Make any adjustments to driver package
- The downloaded updates are prepared in the folder: C:\Temp\D<model><release date>-\Script\Drivers
- Updates are installed in alphabetical order based on the folder name. To change the install order, change the prefix of the folder names accordingly. Examples:
Fingerprint will be installed before audio ...\Drivers\010_Fingerprint_reader_Synaptics_Metallica_MOH_10_64_5.1.327.26 ...\Drivers\020_Audio_Realtek_Audio_Driver_10_64_6.0.1.8224 Audio will be installed before fingerprint: ...\Drivers\007_Audio_Realtek_Audio_Driver_10_64_6.0.1.8224 ...\Drivers\010_Fingerprint_reader_Synaptics_Metallica_MOH_10_64_5.1.327.26
- Any folders prefixed with underscore (_) will be excluded from install. Example:
...\Drivers\Audio_Realtek_Audio_Driver_10_64_6.0.1.8224 rename to: ...\Drivers\_Audio_Realtek_Audio_Driver_10_64_6.0.1.8224
Remove any disabled update folders.
- Removing disabled update folders will make driver package smaller.
Test driver package exit codes.
- Open Admin command prompt and change directory to example:
- Install driver package. Example:
Install.cmd > "%public%\Logs\Lenovo ThinkPad P50 20EQ0022MN WIN10X64 20H2 Drivers 2021-03-05_1.0_Install.cmd.log"
- Check logs in '%public%\Logs' folder. Pay attention to exit codes other than 3010 and 0. If exit code is 259 (or in the area 250) this might indicate that this is a exit code from DPInst.exe. To solve this, uncomment the following lines after setup.exe in the corresponding DT-Install-Package.cmd
Set DpInstExitCode=%errorlevel% "%~dp0..\DpInstExitCode2ExitCode.exe" %DpInstExitCode%
- Make any other necessary adjustments to DT-Install-Package.cmd.
- Note that the original downladed update can be found in the 'c:\temp\DriverToolCache' folder.
If required, add any other updates to the Drivers folder.
- Typically new updates are deployed by Vendor and you need to update the driver package.
- Or you have connected hardware such as driver for a monitor that you need to add to the driver package.
- You can choose to manually add such updates to the '...\Drivers\NNN_some update folder' folder as long as you utilize the mechanism that DriverTool expects: ('...\Drivers\NNN_some update folder\DT-Install-Package.cmd')
Compress Driver Package
- Run: c:\Temp\D<model><release date>-\Script\_Compress.cmd
- Verify that has been created.
- Delete folder: C:\Temp\D<model><release date>-\Script\Drivers
Restore Windows from system restore snapshot.
Test driver package, same as step 13.
Install and run vendor system update utility to verify that all drivers have been installed by the driver package.
Manually split the driver package in two, one "DISM" package with CM device drivers and one Driver Updates package. A future version of DriverTool should probably do this for you. But for now you will have to do it manually. Copy the driver package to SCCM server. Your structure should look something like the following.
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script-DISM
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script-DISM\Drivers
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script-DISM\Drivers\005_Sccm_Package_2019_11_01
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script-DISM\PackageDefinition-DISM.sms
- Driver Updates (Compressed)
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\_Compress.cmd
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\_Decompress.cmd
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\DriverTool
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\DriverTool\Common.Logging.dll
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\DriverTool\DriverTool.exe
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\DriverTool\DriverTool.exe.config
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\DriverTool\DriverTool.Library.dll
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\DriverTool\FSharp.Core.dll
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\Install.cmd
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\Install.xml
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\PackageDefinition.sms
\\CM01\PkgSrc$\Packages\Lenovo ThinkPad\P50 Drivers\1909-1.0\Script\UnInstall.cmd
Import the two packages using "Create Package from defintion..." by browsing to the PackageDefinition.sms and PackageDefinition-DISM.sms respectively.
Add CM Device driver package to the task sequence in the Windows PE phace
- Add the Driver Updates package to the task sequence in operating system phase. As DriverTool does not calculate dependencies between updates it will in many cases be necessary to install driver updates package twice with a reboot between installs.
- Install Windows 10 on the PC model in question using the task sequence. Verify result by running vendor driver update utility and checking that no driver updates are required.
DriverTool 1.0.23237 - Download drivers and software for current PC model and create a driver package that can be imported into SCCM as a package or application.
Copyright (c) 2018-2023 github/trondr
Usage: DriverTool.exe <command> [parameters]
Help Display this help text
License Display license
Credits Display credits
ExportRemoteUdateInfo Export remote update information for
specified model to csv file.
ExportLocalUdateInfo Export local update information for the
current system to csv file.
CreateDriverPackage Create driver package for given manufacturer
and model and operating system.
InstallDriverPackage Install driver package
UnInstallDriverPackage Uninstall driver package.
CompressDriverPackage Compress Drivers folder.
DecompressDriverPackage Decompress
CmUi Start user interface for download and
packaging of CM device drivers into SCCM.
Commands and parameters:
ExportRemoteUdateInfo Export remote update information for
specified model to csv file. The update
information is extracted from xml files
located on the respective vendor web sites.
Example for Lenovo: Example
for model 20EQ (Lenovo Thinkpad P50) and
The remote update information typically
contains all available updates also including
those allready installed.
/csvFileName [Required] Path to csv file. Alternative
parameter name: /f
/overWrite [Optional] Overwrite csv file if it allready
exists. Alternative parameter name: /o.
Default value: False
/manufacturer [Optional] Manufacturer as specified by the
Manufacturer property of the
Win32_ComputerSystem wmi class instance.
Powershell script to extract the
manufacturer: $(Get-WmiObject
Manufacturer).Manufacturer. If manufacturer
is not specified the current system
manufacturer will be looked up and used.
Alternative parameter name: /ma. Default
/modelCode [Optional] Model code. Powershell script to
extract the model code for (1)LENOVO:
Model).Model.SubString(0,4); (2) Dell:
SystemSKUNumber).SystemSKUNumber; (3) HP:
(Get-WmiObject -Class MS_SystemInformation
-Namespace "root\WMI"| Select-Object
BaseBoardProduct).BaseBoardProduct. If model
code is not specified the current system
model code will be looked up and used.
Alternative parameter name: /m. Default
/operatingSystemCode [Optional] Operating system code. If
operating system code is not specified the
current system model code will be looked up
and used. Alternative parameter name: /op.
Default value:
/excludeUpdatePatterns [Optional] Exclude updates where title or
category match any of the specified regular
expression patterns. Alternative parameter
name: /xu. Default value: []
Example: DriverTool.exe ExportRemoteUdateInfo /csvFileName="c:\temp\updates.csv" /overWrite="False" /manufacturer="LENOVO" /modelCode="20EQ" /operatingSystemCode="WIN10X64" /excludeUpdatePatterns="['Software';'BIOS';'Firmware']"
Example (alternative): DriverTool.exe ExportRemoteUdateInfo /f="c:\temp\updates.csv" /o="False" /ma="LENOVO" /m="20EQ" /op="WIN10X64" /xu="['Software';'BIOS';'Firmware']"
ExportLocalUdateInfo Export local update information for the
current system to csv file. The current
system is typically a reference machine and
the exported info can be used to automate
download of necessary updates to be installed
on new systems with the same specification.
It is required that vendor specific update
utility (such as Lenovo System Update) is
installed on the system and has been run to
install all relevant updates. Currently only
Lenovo System update is supported.
/csvFileName [Required] Path to csv file. Alternative
parameter name: /f
/overWrite [Optional] Overwrite csv file if it allready
exists. Alternative parameter name: /o.
Default value: False
/excludeUpdatePatterns [Optional] Exclude updates where title or
category match any of the specified regular
expression patterns. Alternative parameter
name: /xu. Default value: []
Example: DriverTool.exe ExportLocalUdateInfo /csvFileName="c:\temp\updates.csv" /overWrite="False" /excludeUpdatePatterns="['Software';'BIOS';'Firmware']"
Example (alternative): DriverTool.exe ExportLocalUdateInfo /f="c:\temp\updates.csv" /o="False" /xu="['Software';'BIOS';'Firmware']"
CreateDriverPackage Create driver package for given manufacturer
and model. Currently Lenovo is fully
supported. Support for Dell and HP is partial
and includes creating driver package with all
possible updates (needed and and unneeded
alike) so for Dell and HP there is more
requirement for manual decsion on what to
include or not after package has been
created. If manufacturer or model or
operating system is not given the respective
values are automatically looked up for
current system.
/destinationFolder [Required] Destination folder. Alternative
parameter name: /df
/packagePublisher [Optional] Package publisher company name.
This should be the name of the company of
whoever creates the driver package.
Alternative parameter name: /pu. Default
value: MyCompany
/manufacturer [Optional] Manufacturer as specified by the
Manufacturer property of the
Win32_ComputerSystem wmi class instance.
Powershell script to extract the
manufacturer: $(Get-WmiObject
Manufacturer).Manufacturer. If manufacturer
is not specified the current system
manufacturer will be looked up and used.
Alternative parameter name: /ma. Default
/systemFamily [Optional] SystemFamily as specified by the
SystemFamily property of the
Win32_ComputerSystem wmi class instance.
Powershell script to extract the system
family: $(Get-WmiObject
SystemFamily).SystemFamily. If system family
is not specified the current system family
will be looked up and used. Alternative
parameter name: /sf. Default value:
/modelCode [Optional] Model code. Powershell script to
extract the model code for (1)LENOVO:
Model).Model.SubString(0,4); (2) Dell:
SystemSKUNumber).SystemSKUNumber; (3) HP:
(Get-WmiObject -Class MS_SystemInformation
-Namespace "root\WMI"| Select-Object
BaseBoardProduct).BaseBoardProduct. If model
code is not specified the current system
model code will be looked up and used.
Alternative parameter name: /mo. Default
/operatingSystemCode [Optional] Operating system code. If
operating system code is not specified the
current system operating system code will be
looked up and used. Alternative parameter
name: /op. Default value:
/baseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates[Optional] Create driver package based on
locally installed updates. Use this on a a
fully updated reference machine where the
vendor specific update utility (Lenovo System
Update) has been run and no more updates are
available. This option is currently not
supported on Dell and HP. Alternative
parameter name: /lu. Default value: False
/excludeUpdatePatterns [Optional] Exclude updates where title or
category match any of the specified regular
expression patterns. Alternative parameter
name: /xu. Default value: []
/packageTypeName [Optional] A short name describing the
content of the package. Example: 'Software',
'Firmware', 'BIOS'. The package type name
will be used in the package name. Alternative
parameter name: /ptn. Default value: Drivers
/excludeSccmPackage [Optional] Exclude Sccm package from the
created package. Typically you set this to
true if you want only non-driver related
updates, such as BIOS or firmware, to be part
of the package. Alternative parameter name:
/exs. Default value: False
/doNotDownloadSccmPackage [Optional] Do not download Sccm Package. Used
as a workaround for web scraping gone wrong
when Lenovo has changed the web design. Both
the /sccmPackageInstaller and the
/sccmPackageReadme parameters must be defined
if /doNotDownloadSccmPackage=True.
Alternative parameter name: /dnd. Default
value: False
/sccmPackageInstaller [Optional] Specify sccm package installer to
override automatic download of Sccm package.
Used as a workaround for web scraping gone
wrong when Lenovo has changed the web design.
The sccm package installer spesified must be
be downloaded manually and saved to the
DriverToolCache as specified in the
application configuration file
(DownloadCacheDirectoryPath). Alternative
parameter name: /spi. Default value:
/sccmPackageReadme [Optional] Specify sccm package readme to
override automatic download of Sccm package.
Used as a workaround for web scraping gone
wrong when Lenovo has changed the web design.
The sccm package readme spesified must be be
downloaded manually and saved to the
DriverToolCache as specified in the
application configuration file
(DownloadCacheDirectoryPath). Alternative
parameter name: /spr. Default value:
/sccmPackageReleased [Optional] Specify sccm package relase date.
Alternative parameter name: /sprd. Default
value: 2001-01-01
Example: DriverTool.exe CreateDriverPackage /destinationFolder="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel" /packagePublisher="MyCompany" /manufacturer="LENOVO" /systemFamily="ThinkPad P50" /modelCode="20EQ" /operatingSystemCode="WIN10X64" /baseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates="False" /excludeUpdatePatterns="['Software';'BIOS';'Firmware']" /packageTypeName="Drivers" /excludeSccmPackage="False" /doNotDownloadSccmPackage="False" /sccmPackageInstaller="tp_x1carbon_mt20qd-20qe-x1yoga_mt20qf-20qg_w1064_1809_201910.exe" /sccmPackageReadme="tp_x1carbon_mt20qd-20qe-x1yoga_mt20qf-20qg_w1064_1809_201910.txt" /sccmPackageReleased="2019-10-01"
Example (alternative): DriverTool.exe CreateDriverPackage /df="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel" /pu="MyCompany" /ma="LENOVO" /sf="ThinkPad P50" /mo="20EQ" /op="WIN10X64" /lu="False" /xu="['Software';'BIOS';'Firmware']" /ptn="Drivers" /exs="False" /dnd="False" /spi="tp_x1carbon_mt20qd-20qe-x1yoga_mt20qf-20qg_w1064_1809_201910.exe" /spr="tp_x1carbon_mt20qd-20qe-x1yoga_mt20qf-20qg_w1064_1809_201910.txt" /sprd="2019-10-01"
InstallDriverPackage Install driver package. This command looks
for the .\Drivers sub folder. If the
.\Drivers does not exist the command looks
for the \ file and extracts it to
.\Drivers folder. The command then executes
each DT-Install-Package.cmd in any sub
folders below the .\Drivers folder.
/driverPackagePath [Required] Driver package folder path. Below
this path there should be a .\Drivers sub
folder or Alternative parameter
name: /dpp
Example: DriverTool.exe InstallDriverPackage /driverPackagePath="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel"
Example (alternative): DriverTool.exe InstallDriverPackage /dpp="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel"
UnInstallDriverPackage Uninstall driver package. This command looks
for the .\Drivers sub folder. If the
.\Drivers does not exist the command looks
for the \ file and extracts it to
.\Drivers folder. The command then executes
each DT-UnInstall-Package.cmd in any sub
folders below the .\Drivers folder.
/driverPackagePath [Required] Driver package folder path. Below
this path there should be a .\Drivers sub
folder or a Alternative
parameter name: /dpp
Example: DriverTool.exe UnInstallDriverPackage /driverPackagePath="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel"
Example (alternative): DriverTool.exe UnInstallDriverPackage /dpp="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel"
CompressDriverPackage Compress the Drivers folder to
/driverPackagePath [Required] Driver package folder path. Below
this path there should be a .\Drivers sub
folder. Alternative parameter name: /dpp
Example: DriverTool.exe CompressDriverPackage /driverPackagePath="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel"
Example (alternative): DriverTool.exe CompressDriverPackage /dpp="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel"
DecompressDriverPackage Decompress to \Drivers folder.
/driverPackagePath [Required] Driver package folder path. Below
this path there should be a .\
file. Alternative parameter name: /dpp
Example: DriverTool.exe DecompressDriverPackage /driverPackagePath="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel"
Example (alternative): DriverTool.exe DecompressDriverPackage /dpp="c:\temp\Drivers\SomeModel"
CmUi Start user interface for download and
packaging of CM device drivers into SCCM.
Example: DriverTool.exe CmUi
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force -Confirm:$false
Write-Host "Installing DriverTool.PowerCLI..."
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module -Repository PSGallery -Name DriverTool.PowerCLI -Force
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Untrusted
Automated procedure for downloading, extracting, packaging and adding driver packs to a new task sequence. This will replace the CM Device driver package steps in the "DriverTool.exe" procedure above. The task sequence created can be added as a sub task sequence to the main OSD task sequence.
- Download, extract and package driver packs. Example:
@("20QW","20QF") | Foreach-Object{ Write-Host "Getting driver pack for model $_"; Get-DtDriverPack -Manufacturer Lenovo -ModelCode "$_" -OperatingSystem "win10" -OsBuild "21H2" -Verbose } | Invoke-DtDownloadDriverPack
The packages will be created in c:\temp\D on developement machine and should be copied to final location on Sccm Server manually.
- Create SCCM packages after copying the package folders to server. Example:
$packageDefintionSms = Get-ChildItem -Path "Z:\Packages\CM-Drivers\21H2" -Filter "PackageDefinition.sms" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {$_.FullName}
$packageDefintionSms | New-DtCmPackageFromDriverPackPackageDefinitionSms
- Create task sequence with all the driver packages added. Example:
$packageDefintionSms = Get-ChildItem -Path "Z:\Applications\CM-Drivers\21H2" -Filter "PackageDefinition.sms" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {$_.FullName}
New-DtCmTaskSequenceFromDriverPackPackageDefinitionSms -Path $packageDefintionSms -Name "Test CM Drivers 21H2" -Description "Test CM Drivers 21H2" -ProgramName "INSTALL-OFFLINE-OS"
Automated procedure for downloading, extracting, packaging and adding driver updates to a new task sequence. The resulting task sequence can be added as a sub task sequence to the main OSD task sequence.
This procedures downloads all driver updates for a specified computer model and can be run without having access to the computer model in question.
Note! Some of the driver updates for a model might allready be installed or not even required due to differences in actual hardware components installed. The resulting driver updates package can therefore be manually trimmed for unrequired drivers. If the resulting driver package from this procedure is not trimmed for unrequired drivers, the package might still work sucessfully but assumes that all driver updates quits gracefully if not applicable. Testing is allways neccessary!
Note! Be sure to exclude BIOS and other Firmware from a driver update package as such updates requires special care and should be packaged separatly.
Note! An automated procedure for creating an allready trimmed package is availble when signed into the actual computer model in question. The required drivers can then be calculated based on locally installed updates after filling the machine up using the vendor update utility. See DriverTool procedure further up.
- Download, extract and package driver packs. Example:
@("20QW","20QF") | Foreach-Object{ Write-Host "Getting driver updates for model $_"; Get-DtDriverUpdates -Manufacturer Lenovo -ModelCode "$_" -OperatingSystem "WIN10X64" -OsBuild "21H2" -ExcludeDriverUpdates @("BIOS","Firmware") -Verbose } | Invoke-DtDownloadDriverUpdates
Note! Some driver updates when extracted might result in a path longer than 256 characters. Try enabling long path support in registry ( [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem]LongPathsEnabled=1) or extract such updates manually to a shorter root path before moving the result to the package drivers folder.
The packages will be created in c:\temp\DU on developement machine and should be copied to final location on Sccm Server manually. Example server locations:
- Z:\Packages\DriverUpdates\21H2\20QW
- Z:\Packages\DriverUpdates\21H2\20QF
- Create SCCM packages after copying the package folders to server. Example:
$packageDefintionSms = Get-ChildItem -Path "Z:\Packages\DriverUpdates\21H2" -Filter "PackageDefinition.sms" -Recurse -Depth 3| ForEach-Object {$_.FullName}
$packageDefintionSms | New-DtCmPackageFromDriverPackPackageDefinitionSms
Note! When recursing the directory, the recursion depth is set to avoid getting PackageDefinition.sms for driver updates in the Drivers sub folders. The recursion depth must be set depending on start point of recursion.
- Create task sequence with all the driver update packages added. Example:
$packageDefintionSms = Get-ChildItem -Path "Z:\Packages\DriverUpdates\21H2" -Filter "PackageDefinition.sms" -Recurse -Depth 3| ForEach-Object {$_.FullName}
New-DtCmTaskSequenceFromDriverPackPackageDefinitionSms -Path $packageDefintionSms -Name "Test Driver Updates 21H2" -Description "Test Driver Updates 21H2" -ProgramName "INSTALL"
- To install the minimum required components to build DriverTool, run from a PowerShell Admin command prompt:
Write-Host "Installing Nuget..."
$PowerShellGetDatafolder = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PowerShellGet"
New-Item -Path $PowerShellGetDatafolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$nugetExe = "$PowerShellGetDatafolder\nuget.exe"
if( (Test-Path -Path $nugetExe) -eq $false)
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$nugetExe" | Out-Null
. $nugetExe update -self | Out-Null
} else
. $nugetExe update -self | Out-Null
Write-Host "Installing modules: VSSetup, psake"
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module VSSetup
Install-Module psake
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Untrusted
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "Installing Chocolatey..."
try{Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}catch{}
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) | Out-Null
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation | Out-Null
choco install git
choco install git-credential-winstore
choco install notepadplusplus
choco install fake
choco upgrade fake
choco install nunit
choco feature disable -n allowGlobalConfirmation | Out-Null
Write-Host "Installing Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools"
$vsInstallerName = "vs_enterprise" #"vs_buildtools"
$vsInstallerExe = "$($env:TEMP)\$($vsInstallerName).exe"
if((Test-Path -Path $vsInstallerExe) -eq $false)
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($vsInstallerName).exe" -OutFile "$vsInstallerExe"
$vsIds = @(
$vsIds | Foreach-Object {
$id = $_
Write-Host "Installing $id ..."
. $vsInstallerExe --add "$id" --norestart --quiet | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5;Get-Process -Name $vsInstallerName,"setup" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Wait-Process
Write-Host "Setup unit test templates..."
. "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" new -i NUnit3.DotNetNew.Template
- To clone and build DriverTool, run from a standard PowerShell command prompt:
$devFolder = "c:\dev\github.trondr"
New-Item -Path $devFolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Set-Location -Path $devFolder
git clone .\DriverTool
Set-Location -Path "$devFolder\DriverTool"
- To setup development machine run from a PowerShell admin command prompt:
Write-Host "Installing Nuget..."
$PowerShellGetDatafolder = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PowerShellGet"
New-Item -Path $PowerShellGetDatafolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$nugetExe = "$PowerShellGetDatafolder\nuget.exe"
if( (Test-Path -Path $nugetExe) -eq $false)
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$nugetExe" | Out-Null
. $nugetExe update -self | Out-Null
} else
. $nugetExe update -self | Out-Null
Write-Host "Installing modules: VSSetup, psake"
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module VSSetup
Install-Module psake
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Untrusted
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "Installing Chocolatey..."
try{Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}catch{}
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) | Out-Null
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation | Out-Null
choco install git
choco install git-credential-winstore
choco install SourceTree
choco install notepadplusplus
choco install vscode
choco install fake
choco upgrade fake
choco install nunit
choco feature disable -n allowGlobalConfirmation | Out-Null
Write-Host "Installing Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools"
$vsInstallerName = "vs_enterprise" # "vs_professional"
$vsInstallerExe = "$($env:TEMP)\$($vsInstallerName).exe"
if((Test-Path -Path $vsInstallerExe) -eq $false)
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($vsInstallerName).exe" -OutFile "$vsInstallerExe"
# Ref:
$vsIds = @(
$vsIds | Foreach-Object {
$id = $_
Write-Host "Installing $id ..."
. $vsInstallerExe --add "$id" --norestart --quiet | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5;Get-Process -Name $vsInstallerName,"setup" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Wait-Process
Write-Host "Setup unit test templates..."
. "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" new -i NUnit3.DotNetNew.Template
- To clone and build DriverTool, run from a standard PowerShell command prompt:
$devFolder = "c:\dev\github.trondr"
New-Item -Path $devFolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Set-Location -Path $devFolder
git clone .\DriverTool
Set-Location -Path "$devFolder\DriverTool"
git checkout develop
-NoExit -Command "& Import-Module 'C:\Dev\github.trondr\DriverTool\src\app\DriverTool.PowerCLI.Library.FSharp\bin\Debug\net48\DriverTool.PowerCLI.Library.FSharp.dll' -Verbose;Get-DtDriverPack -Manufacturer Lenovo -ModelCode 20EQ -OperatingSystem win10 -Latest | Invoke-DtDownloadDriverPack"
.\Build.ps1 -BuildTarget UpdateVersion
.\Build.ps1 -BuildTarget Default
Publish-Module -Path ".\modules\DriverTool.PowerCLI" -Repository PSGallery -NuGetApiKey $ApiKey