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Platform-parent is a tool for downloading sources and building all TAP applications. After running this tool, deployable artifacts will be created. Next these artifacts can be used as an input for apployer tool, which is able to deploy them to the TAP environment.


  1. Follow Development Environment Setup instructions.
  2. Install pyyaml package running command sudo pip install pyyaml.
  3. In order to build all platform components artifacts from Maven Central and other external locations are required. On your dev machine settings.xml should be stored in ~/.m2/ catalog (maven configuration files). If you already have your settings in settings.xml file, you should merge TAP settings.xml with yours.

Steps to build:

  1. Clone platform-parent project to your local machine.
  2. Run script using python in platform-parent directory.

Running options

  1. python build_platform -r / --refs-txt <path_to_refs_txt> Setting path for refs.txt file (specified versions of all projects).
  2. python build_platform -s / --spec-version <project_name>:<id> You can build specified version of project. As ID you can provide commit ID or branch/release name.
  3. python build_platform -d / --destination <path> Determines destination path.
  4. python build_platform -t / --release-tag <tag> Determines release tag for TAP repositories (-s argument has higher priority.
  5. python build_platform -a / --atk-version <version> Determines ATK components version.

For adding new TAP application to platform-parent cloud_apps.yml should be edited.

Running platform-parent from docker container:

Latest version of Docker can be installed on Linux by following instructions provided here:

Steps to build docker image and run platform-parent tool from docker container:

  1. Enter platform-parent/docker directory.
  2. Run following command to create docker image: ./ build
  3. Create ARTIFACTS_OUTPUT_PATH catalog.
  4. Run docker container by executing: ./ run PLATFORM_PARENT_PATH ARTIFACTS_OUTPUT_PATH <platform-parent-options>. Artifacts will be stored in /artifacts directory on Docker container and in ARTIFACTS_OUTPUT_PATH directory on host machine.

PLATFORM-PARENT-OPTIONS should be in OPTION=VALUE form, for example: --release-tag=v0.7


Project for building all components in a one single step.







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