You need to install Git, CMake, a C++ compiler, Boost, and Qt6.
On Ubuntu you can do that like this (there will be similar packages for most Linux distros):
sudo apt install git cmake g++ libboost-dev qt6-base-dev
git clone
cd AtaxxGUI
mkdir build
cd build
export CXX=g++
cmake .. && make -j
There are binaries for Windows available under releases.
git clone
cd AtaxxGUI
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
msbuild .\AtaxxGUI.sln /p:Configuration=Release
# If you want to distribute:
windeployqt.exe ..\bin\AtaxxGUI.exe
- A lot of the board visualization in src/boardview/ is taken and modified from Cute Chess
- Cuteataxx and libataxx by kz04px
- Lidraughts and Lichess for some of the board and piece themes
- The inventors of Ataxx
- The engine programming community