CorpConv is a tool for converting between some common corpus formats.
CorpConv can be easily installed using pip:
pip install CorpConv
Alternatively, you can download and decompress the latest release or clone the git repository:
git clone
In the new directory, run the following command:
python3 install
You can use the converter as a standalone program from the command line. General usage information is available via the -h option:
corpconv -h
To convert a corpus from one format to another, call the converter like this:
corpconv -i <input_format> -o <output_format> <file>
Supported formats are:
conll: Tab-separated, one token per line with token IDs, empty line after sentences, empty fields marked with an underscore (
), sentence IDs as leading comments (# sent_id 5
)# sent_id = 1 1 They they PRON PRP 2 buy buy VERB VBP 3 and and CONJ CC 4 sell sell VERB VBP 5 books book NOUN NNS 6 . . PUNCT .
osl: One sentence per line, custom delimiter for annotation, tokens separated by space
They/they/PRON/PRP buy/buy/VERB/VBP and/and/CONJ/CC sell/sell/VERB/VBP books/book/NOUN/NNS ././PUNCT/.
tsv: Tab-separated, one token per line, empty line after sentences
They they PRON PRP buy buy VERB VBP and and CONJ CC sell sell VERB VBP books book NOUN NNS . . PUNCT .
vrt: Tab-separated, one token per line, sentences as s-tags
<s id="s1"> They they PRON PRP buy buy VERB VBP and and CONJ CC sell sell VERB VBP books book NOUN NNS . . PUNCT . </s>
You can also use the readers and writers in your own Python projects. Here is a small example for converting from osl to vrt:
from corpconv import corpus_readers
from corpconv import corpus_writers
sentences = corpus_readers.read_osl(file_object)
for line in corpus_writers.write_vrt(sentences):