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🤖 AWS CDK for launch Stable Diffusion web UI on Amazon EC2 instance

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Getting started

Prepare AWS resources

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Set inbound cidr

# Deploy AWS reources
npx aws-cdk deploy

Upload models

The EC2 instance mounts the models directory of the S3 bucket in the models directory of the installed Stable Diffusion web UI.
Upload model files to the models directory of the S3 bucket according to the structure of the models directory in the Stable Diffusion web UI.

# e.g.
s3 cp $CHECKPOINT s3://$BUCKET_NAME/models/Stable-diffusion/
s3 cp $LORA s3://$BUCKET_NAME/models/Lora/
s3 cp $VAE s3://$BUCKET_NAME/models/VAE/

Run and connect to instance for Stable Diffusion web UI

# Run instance by launch template
aws ec2 run-instances --launch-template LaunchTemplateId=$LAUNCH_TEMAPLTE_ID

# Describe instance status
aws ec2 describe-instance-status --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID

# Check web UI log using SSM session manager
aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID
sudo su - ubuntu

cd /is/stable-diffusion-webui
./ --listen

Access to http://<PUBLIC_IP>:17860

Terminate instance

# Terminate instance
aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids $INSTANCE_ID

# Describe instance status
aws ec2 describe-instance-status --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID


🤖 AWS CDK for launch Stable Diffusion web UI on Amazon EC2 instance




