Tool for generating parse tree embeddings, parse tree enriched word embeddings and parse tree enriched sentence embeddings.
Given a set of sentences (one by line) in a text file, this tool:
- learns word embeddings using word2vec
- builds the parse tree of each sentence
- using the parse tree structure it recursively averages word embeddings PoS Type-wise from all the sentences' parse tree
- each PoS tag finally has an embedding
- to enrich the word embedding with parse tree information, for each existing word:
- recursively sums the type embeddings of the word ancestors (in the parse tree) and averages the result with its word embedding
- to generate a sentence embedding enhanced with parse tree information:
- recursively builds the sentence vector using parse tree enriched word embeddings using the algorithm from par2hier to build sentence vectors from hierarchical structures
parse tree embeddings nearest neighbour sample results:
nearest(VB) = VP
nearest(JJR) = RBR
nearest(CONJP) = AUX
parse tree enriched word embeddings sample results:
nearest(crowd) = multiple, man, ...
nearest(hierarchical) = relationship, soft-max ...
nearest(Sutskever) = Greg, Kai, ...
parse tree enriched sentence embeddings sample results:
nearest(In order to capture in a quantitative way the nuance necessary to distinguish man from woman ...) =
- In parallel in the last few years language models based on neural networks have been used to cope with complex natural language processing tasks like emotion and paraphrase detection.
- Based on a recent work that proposed to learn a generic language model that can be modified through a set of document-specific parameters we explore use of new neural network models that are adapted to ad-hoc IR tasks.
nearest(We introduce a new dataset with human judgments on pairs of words in sentential context and ...) =
- The result can be used to enrich lexicons of under-resourced languages to identify ambiguities and to perform clustering and classification .
- We consider the conditional probabilities p(c|w) and given a corpus Text the goal is to set the parameters θ of p(c|w;θ) so as to maximize the corpus probability .