Warning: Cachier is currently in beta. Only usable in the browsers that has Service Worker and Cache Storage.
Cache your content on clients browser with Cachier! Cachier
, uses Cache Storage
for caching static pages & files. The Service Worker
technology serves it over cache for your clients. It also allows clients view offline pages.
- The caching process controlled by owner
- Lightning fast page load
- Offline page views
- Less network requests
You can install the library via npm.
npm install browser-cachier --save
or via yarn:
yarn add browser-cachier
Warning: You need to put cachier-service-worker.js to your sites
root directory
Warning: add, remove, update and delete updates the current state of cachier. All events below are returning instance with a promise.
new Cachier(config: Object): Cachier
Cachier instance takes one argument which is config. The accepted configs described below.
cachier.add(urls: Array, callback: Function~response): Cachier
Adds provided url list to cache storage. If the provided url is in the cache already, it doesn't add it again. The url list returned from callback.
cachier.get(url: String <Optional>, callback: Function~response): Cachier
Get cache key from storage. If url argument not sent by user, it gets all otherwise gets single one. As a result it returns true or false according to its existence
cachier.update(urls: Array, callback: Function~response): Cachier
Updates the cache content of provided files. The url list returned from callback.
cachier.delete(urls: Array, callback: Function~response): Cachier
Delete provided url list from cache storage. The url list returned from callback.
cachier.clear(callback: Function~response): Cachier
Empty all cache storage. The deleted item list returned from callback.
version {String|Number}
Sets a version to cache storage. After caching process completed for the first time, it will stay till user clears the cache storage. To overcome this, you can upgrade the version to a greater value. It will clear out of date storages and will set a new one.
serviceWorkerPath {String}
Cachier is using cachier-service-worker.js to create a layer between network requests and cache. File should be placed on your root directory to observe all scope. This parameter is the location of service worker.
debug {Boolean}
If it is true, it gives information on the console about what is going on.
Everytime change happens on cache storage over API events, stateChange event triggers. It is bound to document. With a simple eventListener you can catch-up state changes.
import Cachier from 'browser-cachier';
let urlsToCache = ['/dummy/style.css', '/dummy/dummy.json'];
let cachier = new Cachier({ version: 1 });
cachier.add(urlsToCache, (response) => {
cachier.get(response => {
console.log('Get: ', response);
cachier.get('/dummy/style.css', response => {
console.log('Get: ', response);
// Remove specific cache items after 1500ms
setTimeout(() => {
cachier.delete(urlsToCache, response => {
console.log('Delete: ', response);
}, 1500)
// Remove whole cache on page load
window.onload = function () {
// Capture state change events
document.addEventListener('stateChange', function (result) {
console.log('State: ', result.detail)
Do not hesitate to contribute! It is a new born baby and open to ideas.
For more information, please checkout the contribution document.
Copyright (c) 2017 tugayilik. See LICENSE.md for further details.