These files were used for the preparation of the PPS exam of the unibo master's degree in engineering and computer science (UNIBO).
LP is using mathematical logic for computing programming, logic is used as declarative representation language and as a theorem-prover.
It is comparable to imperative programming:
- to achieve efficency, some imperative mechanisms are often used to "control" program execution
- still, a declarative interpretation is possibile which is higher-level. and helps ensuring correctness
Invented as a specialised theorem prover, now the reference for so-called "logic programming" (LP). It got interesting relationships with databases, XML and rule-engines.
Prolog in S/W engineering practice:
- classical criticism 1: efficiency and scalability
- classical criticism 2: not natural for “effects” (I/O, state)
- very useful and used in specific contexts (frequently related to AI), i.e., not truly general-purpose
- certain mechanisms of FP aim at reaching the expressiveness of LP
- GnuProlog:
- a free and open-source Prolog engine
- available in most Linux distributions
- SWIProlog:
- free software
- comes with many libraries and extensions
- Sicstus Prolog:
- a commercial, high-performance version
- tuProlog:
- an academic open-source tool written in Java
- with built-in Java integration
The 2Prolog integration framework, many versions available
- we adopt version 4.X.Y (depends on JRE)
- download the runnable package
- just double-click 2p-4.0.3.jar and you are ready (should use JDK 1.8)
- or: java -jar 2p-4.0.4.jar from the console
The file where is writed those exercises is here:
% search(Elem, List)
search(X, [X|_]).
search(X, [_|Xs]) :- search(X, Xs).
- X|Xs is another usual naming schema for H|T
- The above theory represents the search functionality
- Read the code as follows:
- search is OK if the element X is the head of the list
- search is OK if the element X occurs in the tail Xs
- Try the following goals:
- Check all the possible solutions!
- To this end, use either the solve-all button or the solve button: in the latter case, repeatedly use Next button until all the solutions are found
- If you adopt solve-all be careful with infine branches in the resolution tree
- query:
- search(a,[a,b,c]).
- search(a,[c,d,e]).
- iteration:
- search(X,[a,b,c]).
- generation:
- search(a,X).
- search(a,[X,b,Y,Z]).
- search(X,Y).
The tree represents the computational behaviour: it is traversed in the so-called depth-first (left-most) strategy which leads to the order of solutions X/a, Y/a, Z/a
% search2(Elem, List)
% looks for two consecutive occurrences of Elem
search2(X, [X,X|_]).
search2(X, [_|Xs]):- search2(X,Xs).
First predict and then test the result(s) of:
- search2(a,[b,c,a,a,d,e,a,a,g,h]).
- search2(a,[b,c,a,a,a,d,e]).
- search2(X,[b,c,a,a,d,d,e]).
- search2(a,L).
- search2(a,[,,a,,a,]).
% search_two(Elem,List)
% looks for two occurrences of Elem with any element in between!
Realise it yourself by changing search2, expected results are:
- search_two(a,[b,c,a,a,d,e]). no
- search_two(a,[b,c,a,d,a,d,e]). yes
% search_anytwo(Elem,List)
% looks for any Elem that occurs two times, anywhere
- Elem must be on the head and search must be successful on the tail
- otherwise proceed on the tail
- (search_anytwo should use search)
Expected results are:
- search_anytwo(a,[b,c,a,a,d,e]). -> yes
- search_anytwo(a,[b,c,a,d,e,a,d,e]). -> yes
% size(List, Size)
% Size will contain the number of elements in List
size([_|T],M) :- size(T,N), M is N+1.
% size(List,Size)
% Size will contain the number of elements in List,
written using notation zero, s(zero), s(s(zero))..
Realise this version yourself!
- size( [a,b,c],X ). -> X/s(s(s(zero)))
Can it allow for a pure relational behaviour?
- size( L, s(s(s(zero)))). ??
Note: Built-in numbers are extra-relational!
% sum(List,Sum)
?- sum([1,2,3],X).
% max(List,Max)
% Max is the biggest element in List
% Suppose the list has at least one element
Do you need an extra argument?
- first develop: max(List,Max,TempMax)
- where TempMax is the maximum found so far (initially it is the first number in the list.)
% max(List,Max,Min)
% Max is the biggest element in List
% Min is the smallest element in List
% Suppose the list has at least one element
Realise this yourself!
- by properly changing max
- note you ahve a predicate with “2 outputs”
% same(List1,List2)
% are the two lists exactly the same?
same([X|Xs],[X|Ys]):- same(Xs,Ys).
% all_bigger(List1,List2)
% all elements in List1 are bigger than those in List2, 1 by 1
% example: all_bigger([10,20,30,40],[9,19,29,39]).
Ex3.3: sublist
% sublist(List1,List2)
% List1 should contain elements all also in List2
% example: sublist([1,2],[5,3,2,1]).
% seq(N,List)
% example: seq(5,[0,0,0,0,0]).
seq(N,[0|T]):- N > 0, N2 is N-1, seq(N2,T).
% seqR(N,List)
% example: seqR(4,[4,3,2,1,0]).
% seqR2(N,List)
% example: seqR2(4,[0,1,2,3,4]).
The file where is writed those exercises is here:
% dropAny(?Elem,?List,?OutList)
Drops any occurrence of element
- dropAny(10,[10,20,10,30,10],L)
- L/[20,10,30,10]
- L/[10,20,30,10]
- L/[10,20,10,30]
Try to realise some of the following variations, by using cut and/or reworking the implementation
- dropFirst: drops only the first occurrence (showing no alternative results)
- dropLast: drops only the last occurrence (showing no alternative results)
- dropAll: drop all occurrences, returning a single list as result
Our model
- as a list of couples [e(1,1),e(1,2),e(2,3),e(3,1)]
- the order of elements in the list is not relevant
- we use number to label nodes, but it could be anything
% fromList(+List,-Graph)
fromList([H1,H2|T],[e(H1,H2)|L]):- fromList([H2|T],L).
It obtains a graph from a list
- fromList([10,20,30],[e(10,20),e(20,30)]).
- fromList([10,20],[e(10,20)]).
- fromList([10],[]).
% fromCircList(+List,-Graph)
% which implementation?
Obtain a graph from a circular list
- fromCircList([10,20,30],[e(10,20),e(20,30),e(30,10)]).
- fromCircList([10,20],[e(10,20),e(20,10)]).
- fromCircList([10],[e(10,10)]).
% dropNode(+Graph, +Node, -OutGraph)
% drop all edges starting and leaving from a Node
% use dropAll defined in 1.1
dropNode(G,N,O):- dropAll(G,e(N,_),G2), dropAll(G2,e(_,N),O).
% reaching(+Graph, +Node, -List)
% all the nodes that can be reached in 1 step from Node possibly use findall,
% looking for e(Node,_) combined with member(?Elem,?List)
reaching([e(1,2),e(1,3),e(2,3)],1,L). -> L/[2,3]
reaching([e(1,2),e(1,2),e(2,3)],1,L). -> L/[2,2]).
% anypath(+Graph, +Node1, +Node2, -ListPath)
% a path from Node1 to Node2
% if there are many path, they are showed 1-by-1
- L/[e(1,2),e(2,3)]
- L/[e(1,3)]
Implement it; suggestion:
- a path from N1 to N2 exists if there is a e(N1,N2)
- a path from N1 to N2 is OK if N3 can be reached from N1, and then there is a path from N2 to N3, recursively
% allreaching(+Graph, +Node, -List)
% all the nodes that can be reached from Node
% Suppose the graph is NOT circular!
% Use findall and anyPath!