My custom .vimrc file with pathogen and all the relevant plugins for syntax highlighting.
~/.vim/update_bundles - ruby script to update the plugins.
- Gist.vim
- IndexedSearch
- jquery
- nerdtree
- snipmate.vim (with snippets from vim-snippets)_
- Specky
- supertab
- syntastic
- tabular
- taskpaper.vim
- tComment
- textile.vim
- vim-cucumber
- vim-fugitive
- vim-git
- vim-GitGutter
- vim-haml
- vim-javascript
- vim-markdown
- vim-puppet
- vim-rails
- vim-rdoc
- vim-repeat
- vim-ruby
- vim-ruby-debugger
- vim-shoulda
- vim-surround
- vim-tmux
- vim-vividchalk
- vim-windowsswap