This repository demonstrates the auto-deployment of a website ( with updates in a Kubernetes Engine hosted on Google Cloud Platform.
- create new namespace
- create new deployments
- create new services
@app.route('/build_docker_image', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
- run while received PUSH from Github
##clone the github repo of WebSite and Dockerfile
git clone /tmp/docker_flask
##get the Dockerhub login infomation
cat /home/yuqi_tu/my_password.txt | docker login --username yuqitu --password-stdin
##build docker image
docker build -t yuqitu/flask-demo:simpleflaskwebsite /tmp/docker_flask/
##push the docker image to the dockerhub for further deployment
docker push yuqitu/flask-demo:simpleflaskwebsite
## remove the directory after pushed
rm -rf /tmp/docker_flask
- The github repo of WebSite and Dockerfile can be viewed at