This repository contains several examples showing a message bus architecture for .NET/.NET Core. For a detailed explaination of the message bus architecture please visit All demos were used as examples during a presentation.
Libraries used
- Demo 1 - Chat - Little beginner demo using Shuttle.esb and MSMQ
- Demo 1 - Chat (Rebus) - Same demo as above but using Rebus and MSMQ
- Demo 2 - Beer market - Beer trading using Rebus and MSMQ
- Demo 2 - Beer market with Saga - Beer trading using a process manager ("Saga")
- Demo 3 - CQRS - Sample CQRS architecture using MassTransit and RabbitMQ
- Demo 4 - Scalability - Demo showing the scalability options using a message bus
- Demo 4 - Scalability (NServicebus) - Demo showing the scalability options using a message bus (with NServiceBus)
I recommend using the SwitchStartupProject extension to easily start multiple projects. Configuration file is also available for each demo.
The according slides can be found here. Sorry was for a german audience.